Jeep wrangler Tj | Lj – DIY 231 Transfer Case Swap & Drop Delete + Driveshaft & Pinion Angle Setup

Jeep wrangler Tj | Lj – DIY 231 Transfer Case Swap & Drop Delete + Driveshaft & Pinion Angle Setup

This is a DIY comprehensive guide on How To
Np231 Transfer Case Swap with SYE kit ready to go.

T-case Drop Delete: first half of video

Adams Driveshaft & Pinion Angle Setup

Begins @ 15:00 in video

Video: How To install an SYE kit in np231 transfer case

Official ATEM OFFROAD’s Super Store

SYE adams driveshaft kit here:

Upper adjustable control arms
Rear shock relocation brackets

Need Torque specs:?

What is a SYE?

For Driveshaft maintenance:

For Driveshaft rebuild:

Jeep Wrangler – Driveshaft Complete Teardown & U joint Replacement + Maintenance Rebuild

#231TcaseSwap #TcasedropDelete


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MARCO Pella LENTI says:

Very interesting, congratulations. Could you tell me what benefits it brings to the car?

Willy G says:

Great job on this video!!

Topcat Lizardo says:

shouldn't you support the trans before dropping the skid plate?

Bob Blankenship says:

Why did u remove the xfer case just to replace output housing?

Ryan's Remark says:

Yikes dropping that TC like that can’t be good. It not even heavy…

Sean Dunn says:

I've said it once, I'll say it again. Your channel is so underrated. Easily my favorite Jeep channel.

Douglas Roberts says:

your exhaust is up against the tub. Has that been a problem?

cloucks100 says:

Great job! Just did my SYE on an ‘03 sport, new control arms are coming tomorrow to adjust for pinion angle!!

Team Blue Videos says:

Do you need adjustable control arms to set the pinion angle?

Troy Wise says:

Thank you for your instructional videos dude. I couldn't have done my lift without you!!

Colton Gilmore says:

The walking back and forth in the beginning was a little rough

Kurt Sterling says:

Fantastic video. Makes a SYE install and adjustable controls arms much more understandable. THANK YOU!.

Matt L says:

Have left my jeep in the garage for a year after snapping an output shaft. Watched your previous video on the new output shaft install and now I feel way more confident in trying to fix it.

F.L says:

Thats litle is compenser

john george says:

Were there jack stands under it while it was running in gear?

bradley toth says:

thank you been looking for a great video for the longest time to compare thoughts smiles

BFB says:

I have adjustable upper control arms and I am having driveline vibrations. I saw you used a jack to adjust your pinion angle. Do I need to disconnect the adjustable control arms before doing this ?

Luis Yrigoyen says:

Thank you for the video; both videos actually. I've seen a couple others but so far yours are better.
I'm ready to do the same to my 2002 TJ. It came with a 4" lift with a transfer case drop.
I bought the Advance Adapters SYE kit and planning to go with either Tom Wood's or Adams DC driveshaft.
If you don't mind I have a couple of questions:
1. The shock relocation brackets; are those needed because of the axle's change in angle?
2. The gear oil that drains (@ 4:53), is that what is called "gear oil"? That goes in the transmission?
3. Did you have any issues with the gear shifter (inside the cabin)?
4. I'm assuming you had to remove both rear upper arms and then adjust the pinion angle? Or did you do one by one? Any suggestions for that step?

Thanks again for the videos, these will be my guide when I'm doing my install.

R1xterra 85 says:

Thanks for a thorough explanation and install!

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