How to install headlight protectors on Jeep Wrangler, 2011

How to install headlight protectors on Jeep Wrangler, 2011

Watch how to put headlight protectors on your new Jeep. Remove the grill cover, remove the headlight, attach light protector and put back together.



nixxvidz says:

looks good…thanks for sharing…planned to install mine this weekend

nyaandant says:

What is a good website to purchase these from?

Eron Iler says:

@ecitampa Did you have trouble getting the grills over the lights?

nyaandant says:

Also, would they fit a Sahara?

macman1138 says:

Remember you should check your headlight aiming after completing this

carl jason dunphy says:

j adore quand les gens placent des videos de ce genre, youtube devrais etre
toujours comme ca, thx a lot, very usefull!!

antonioso17 says:

thanks for the vid, about to install a set on my jeep! Very helpful!!

Eron Iler says:

@nixxvidz Glad it helps. I couldn’t find anything on YouTube either.
Figured I’d help the community as I figured it out.

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