how to fix radiator fan on jeep 2000

how to fix radiator fan on jeep 2000


moe hamadah says:

my fan has this crazy sound should i try cleaning it or just buy a new one

jhickman8588 says:

haha nevermind i looked under the hood and actually bent down to look at
the radiator fan and saw it comes on automatically as the car starts. But
do you know why i may be having the issue of my car not fully cooling down
even after 4-5 hours after sitting in the sun. I dont have the problem over
night or when the car is in the shade.

myjeepzia says:

it might not be spinning full rpm i mean the fan. ck. the fan or relay the
relay make it run 2 speed half way mark or more full speed little less then
half way mark low speed relay control the speed ,fan don’t run when
ignition is turned off .

myjeepzia says:

you r right about that the fan is not cooling off the engine. radiator fan
has 2 speed when the gauge is very close to the middle mark it will run
full speed and moment later it will drop a little less then half mark and
so is the fan speed. watch my other video how to fix a radiator fan on jeep

jhickman8588 says:

I also have a ’00 Grand Cherokee and I noticed that my Engine will be 1/4
of the way hot on the meter when it sits in the sun after driving it. I
wanted to check and see if it was the fan maybe not cooling the engine
properly after turning it off. Is there any way to check the fan without
taking it out?

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