2005 Jeep Grand Cherokee Heater core CHEAT!

2005 Jeep Grand Cherokee Heater core CHEAT!

This video shows you that it’s possible to change the heater core with out removing the dash on a 2005 Jeep Grand Cherokee. Spot weld or bolt the bracket bac…



samspace81 says:

Very nice! About to tackle this on my ’06. I kept losing coolant, very
little and traced it down by smell underhood at the heater core area.

Fernando Rios says:

So all that needs to come out is the glove compartment? I ask because it
looks like you took some of the radio things or to. Please response! Thank

Joshua Old says:

Thanks for the video. Did mine today and it worked great. Watch out for
aftermarket heater cores. I bought new OEM o-rings and they wouldn’t seal
in the heater core. The aftermarket heater core holes were a little larger
then the factor ones. I had to use fatter o-rings to get a proper seal.

jérémy Jalbert says:

Does it work if i got a/c i think that the ligne pass thrue the heater

Joshua Old says:

Did you have to discharge your AC?

rjf026 says:

This seems like an older post but wondering if the heater core just slides
right out or if it has any clips/bolts/etc. on the driver’s side holding it
in. I’m hoping to open the dash as shown and then just slide the heater
core out.

kevswick says:

What happened to the sound?

Glass Field says:

Can this be done with a 2002 Grand cherokee?

OneOnOneBro says:

Can this be done on a 2002 Jeep Liberty Sport?

colterino422 says:

Has anyone tried this to see how long it takes and what tools?

Dungeons Dragons says:

Can this be done on 1999 jeep grand Cherokee 4.0 v6

Mike Damstetter says:

yeah your god lol it worked! thanks

Mike Damstetter says:

this video is kinda vague, where are the supply and return lines for the
core? i have an 05 GC and the heater core just went and everyone says the
dash and everything has to come out, and when i look at this video you cant
tell where and how the lines go in? help please

brandonmaddy says:

No problem!

downNdirtyangler says:

I wish this would work on a 01. But it looks different

brandonmaddy says:

LMAO! Do your homework pingfung! 2005-2010!

skempfe says:

Thanks for the cheat! This worked like a charm and saved me hundreds of

steeliebug says:

can you do this on a 2001 jeep grand cherokee limited with v-8 ?

brandonmaddy says:

Not sure on that. Different body style.

Luis S. says:

Man saved my day ! Thanks for the cheat exactly what I needed . And
starting now !

Ping Fung says:

i got a grand cherokee 2009.. tell me, if the dash board are the same from

C Perry says:

Question, can this be done with a 99 GC Laredo or should I just bite the
bullet and remove the dash?

MeDOON says:

would this trick work for replacing the evaporator as well………..

brandonmaddy says:

Yeah no problem! Now you don’t have to waste your whole weekend fighting
that poorly designed dash out

Betty Harris says:

Hello I have a 2006 jeep commander do you think I could get to that heater
core by removing brackets in glove box be willing to remove brackets all
day thanks for this video

Alex ideus says:

Reed all the questions before ask i probably already answered ur question

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