HOW TO INSTALL A GUITAR PICKUP (upgrade, rewire, solder & replace pickups)

HOW TO INSTALL A GUITAR PICKUP  (upgrade, rewire, solder & replace pickups)

Behind the Scenes : – Comment, Thumbs UP, and Subscribe to my YouTube Channel !! – Enjoy this COMPLETE video on how to …



J.Burdette~2112 says:

I’m a do it yourselfer as well TK,man I have made a dent or scratch or two
myself…you did fine brother ..nice Job good demo….


i needed this one of my pick ups don’t work

cast390 says:

TTK Rules and owns ALL youtube vid posters on how to install a pickup.Very
thorough…THANK YOU TTK!!!!

flashy5150 says:

There is on important thing that I would have done before soldering—–
and that is covering the area around where you are working with cardboard
so no solder drops on the finish. Also, when you solder to pots, they get
really hot and the heat will travel right to the tip of the potentiometer
and if the pot is against any part of the painted finish of the guitar, it
“will” melt right in and create a real mess of the guitars finish. I always
tape cardboard around where I’m soldering to the guitar and I also pop the
controls out to give me more room to move when I solder. I don’t have the
steadiest hands so I prepare for the worst. Cheers

Seth King says:

i think i will leave it to sweetwater Ft wayne :D

Музыкальный магазин Beat.Com.Ua says:

HOW TO INSTALL A GUITAR PICKUP (upgrade, rewire, solder & replace pickups)

mike petras says:

hi mr. tone king. I have a question for you. im preparing to buy a squire
vintage jazzmaster I think it’s 3 or 400 bucks. I would like your expert
knowledge on besides installing new fender pickups that are $139, what else
in that guitar would have to be upgraded to make it like the 900 dollar
fender and roughly how much would it cost ? my hope is that it will still
be cheaper than buy the 900 dollar fender version. could that be the case
mr. tone king ? thanks for our time… love your videos too. ….

dunboozin says:

what happens if you put the lead humbucker in the neck position. Sound and
dynamics wise ?

metalheadmusic77 says:

I was wanting to get a tom morello kind of thing and get a toggle switch.
So I was wondering if i unsoldered the conection between the volume knob
and only one pick up, what would happen?

The One says:

On the shiny V3 amp I can see a Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifier ;)

Alex Tapovski says:

Phil Ups…wtf?

steve lester says:

Thumbs Up!!!

steve lester says:

Good choice in the new pickups they seem to be the popular among the
pros,and you need a new camera guy that kid was all over the place lol.


you sound like Patton Oswald

James Shakespeare says:

I have recently bought a guitar kit for a HSH strat, with a 5 way switch,
one volume and one tone, but cannot find a wiring diagram that matches as
all of the pickups only have one wire and a bare…help???

jester99sch says:

Nice explanation, demonstration!
This video was very helpful and thank you

Moises Tapia says:

what camera do u use?

acordeonista21 says:

How do i wire a pickup on a 3 pickup guitar

eddiebaby22 says:

Great video very helpful 

gaz334422 says:

Tech Tip: How to get the Best picks setup ? GO TO A GUITAR TECH !!!! Pay
more, work less, best results ! :)

XiphosGuy says:

The explanation of coil taps was unnecessary. Somewhat helpful video

Miguel Perez says:

wow!! thanks for you Video !!

John Howe says:

This guy is novice at best.

Pamela Spears-Bradford says:

bad video moving too much

chzzyg269 says:

Finally at that point in my life to learn how to change these things out
myself. Thanks.

Fluttershy - says:

lol he said bridge pickup when he meant to say neck pick up. Oh well we all
make mistakes :)

Dan Wameling says:

Cool video and very informative. Did you have another wire soldered
directly to the bridge for grounding or is grounding to the back of the pot

Kyle Beckerton says:

What did you do with the old pickups? Im in need of a new neck pickup…

grantoldblueeagle says:

Yehhhh you rock 

chris james says:

thank you for your time,, great info. rock on brother.

Kane Grigg says:

hi i need some serious help i have two humbuckers i wanna install into my
guitar the bridge has just a red and white with bare and the neck has red
green white and black with bare i know bare goes to ground but im stuck on
the others i have a 3 way slide switch with 7 holes though one is ocupied
by a black wire that goes from the pots wich 1 volume 1 tone any help would
be awesome i am majorley stuck

nottosay02 says:

People are going nuts about him changing Duncans to Dimarzios. If you look
at the back of the pickup when he pulls the neck pickup out, it says Duncan

Jordan Bannantine says:

Very helpful video! Thank you for all the effort you put into these
videos, they are certainly helpful for a novice such as myself!

John Howe says:

You don’t blow on solder to cool it, bad idea.

MrTamendez says:

I am doing a humbucker swap at home. I’m shitting bricks, it’s my first
time. You better save my ass dude!

Shayne White says:

What part of the east coast you from??!! Lol

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