How To Change Guitar Pickups

How To Change Guitar Pickups

This tutorial shows a quick and dirty method for changing guitar pickups. For more information you can visit:…



tusskmusic says:



Eric Johnson says:

Or twist the wires together and then tape it with duct tape (unless active
pickups). Especially if you change pickups often

Jeff Burdick says:

In total agreement with Charlie. Got a matching set of custom humbuckers
from Seymour Duncan’s shop and the last thing I wanna do botch anything on
new pickups for “Jezebel” my newly acquired Gibby SG 60’s Tribute.(black
semi-gloss, block inlays)
The stock pickups are awesome but, Needs more Cowbell! My first new guitar.
Can’t wait!
Cheers Eveyone!

camero2596 says:

This video helped my tremendously when I changed my pickups the first time!

DamageIncM says:

Question: Isn’t there any risk of burning the wires or electronics when
holding the iron against the wires or the back of the pot (or the solder on
it) for too long? Cause I’ve seen videos where they go “You have to be very
careful not to hold it for too long or you’ll burn the electronics.” or
whatever. And they recommend adding metal clamps to dissipate heat from the
wires or electronics. While here it’s just said to “Heat it up as long as
needed.”, which is… questionable… Hence why I ask… :P

Brian Auer says:

So I finally Bought a JB for the bridge of my Ibanez… Came with diagram
but youtube is So much easier than reading…hehe So Here I am!! Wish me
luck :D

Jazzy Jezz says:

I wish I was only changing pickups, but I have to change all the
electronics as I’m going from active EMG’s to passive SD’s haha

Peter Malleo says:

great video! Thank you!

Caleb Lewis says:

Anyone know how to remove a pickup and not replace it? I have an HSS strat
copy but I wanna take out the single coils

DamageIncM says:

Also; What is the REASON that the screws are oriented in a specific way?
Is it because those are adjustable and they’re at the most “outer” location

ThatDropDGuy says:

can you guys make a tutorial on how to coil split a seymour duncan pickup?

DamageIncM says:

Why don’t you have connectors on the side of the pickup like EMG does?…
Is it a patenting-issue or something?

dunboozin says:

what would happen to the sound/dynamics if you put a lead/bridge humbucker
in the neck position ??

Karan Ghosh says:

i have a seymour duncan pearly gates plus in the bridge running in
parallel. How do i get it to run in series?

Omar Adnan says:

Thank u soooo much
best video ever
u ROCK!!

Scott Caudle says:

just gonna say it. this guy has such a soothing voice.

awesomem66 says:

Going to change to alnico 2 pro on the bridge and invader in the neck 😉 i
believe invader is four connector and alnico is old connector 😉 so glad im
using seymour duncan now!

TheAwsomedude67 says:

i just bought a washburn dime and im throwing a dimebucker into it , is
there anything special I have to do or is this tutorial all I have to

Deucalain says:

Thanks man ! . Excellent explanation. I did it. !

brothercartman says:

This dude should do ASMR videos.

TheTurtleneck64 says:

Alright. Sorry if what I’m asking is stupid sounding or if I missed
something in the video, but I have a problem. A bare wire from one pickup
is connected to the same from the other pickup, and connected to one side.
On the other side, a white wire from one connects to one place and the
white wore from the other connects to another. My guitar is an Epiphone Les
Paul Special II, if that helps. Any advice for what to do? I’m probably
confusing myself, but I need help.

Charlie Martina says:

Great guide! I’ve never changed a pickup before, the thought of doing
something wrong has put me off the idea — until finding this video.

Luis Aguilar says:

I wouldn’t mind being pillow smothered to death by this guy, so long as he
whispers “shh, it’ll be over soon.” With his mystical voice in my ear. 

Ben Naylor says:

Would my local music store not change my pick ups for me in my bass if I
get the pick ups and give it them ??

Jeremy Sutton says:

Damn Mr. Rodgers is a pick up swapping badass

Joshua Kruel says:

Very helpful, thank you

Arthur Rizk says:

yeah honestly where are these nice dudes when it comes time to hit a repair

sav7152 says:

Great video! I’m pretty good with most LPs, Strats, and some mods to both.
About to tackle a wiring nightmare (as I see it). Double neck guitar with
coil splitting. Notice I didn’t say coil taps because technically a coil
tap is only used in single coil pickups. Coil splitting is for humbuckers. 

Mokey Tah says:

This has got to be my most perfect find. Make fun of me. No worrys. I got a
shitload of dimebuckers I’m ready to load. Hellyeah!

Martyballin says:

That was ridiculously clear and to the point…Thanks!

Operation:ripe says:

What guitar is that? Epiphone? Ibanez?

Michiel Depoortere says:

So is their a video for switching pickups with coiltapping?

Isaac Wadsworth says:

He sounds a bit like Cleveland Brown from family guy! lol

Nunyun Bizz says:

The red wuuUUN…..the black wuuUUN….the white wuuUUN.

That was cool heh heh hmmm yeah yeah hehe!

Good video thx for the info. No reason to pay some Guitar Center moron 50
or 100$ to do this stuff. You can learn just about anything right here on
the TUBE.

Oh and having a few extra inches in the wire is always a good thing. the
chicks dig it.

John Huldt says:

The wiring schematics on the SD website were really helpful too. You guys
are the best.

spyranteros says:

Time for some Black Fucking Winter!

1965fatbob says:


John Huldt says:

Thank you for posting this. I’ve never changed pickups before and after
watching this I first did a guitar with just a humbucker and volume to a
HSH, 1 tone, 1 volume, 5 way switch and a coil tap. Really great stuff!

Jose Lucas says:

Awesome. Tks from a brazilian guitarist.

Dimitri Osia says:

soddddderrrrrr mate

PeterLichOfficial says:

This was awesome, well done!

Harry Cook says:

Can someone tell me what guitar that is? looks badass

Timothy C. says:

What if you guitar has four of the metal coins thingy? 

Victor Alejandro Arcia Castro says:

wow what a good video. it explains everything

DGRiZzLeR says:

wow real jackass.

Phil Humphreys says:

Hi, could anyone tell me what gauge wire are the inner core?


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