How To Install A Heat Pump Right.

How To Install A Heat Pump Right.

Tanner Dickerson and Reedie Ward gave 10 steps about how to install a heat pump (or AC) the right way.

We’ll discuss, come and add your thoughts!



Ted Kidd says:

11:00 Abhi question on heat pump expectations
Tanner on understanding expectations and clarifying up front to avoid disappointment.
14:43 Tanners description of a load calc – reducing variance takes work and measurements.
16:40 do it right the first time? Define right? Certain level of accuracy? Include measured infiltration?
22:00 discussion of load as a range from 0 to worst case temperature, not a single point.
23:40 be careful, offer it all or do it for free? What is data collection stopping point?

Likely Load Range!

25:30 Step 3 – The Offer
29:00 6 function smiley chart
Setting the stage for ADULT – ADULT relationship's
31:00 Step 4 – refrigeration recovery and equipment removal.
1:01:00 airflow pretty much always set to factory.
1:02:08 Abhi senior home story, 10 years later….
1:09:04 $1000 bills due to WRONG THERMOSTAT!
1:37:20 stupid pet tricks chasing comfort

Tagiuk Gold says:

Sorry I missed the live. I'm looking forward to this episode.

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