2009 Infiniti G37S with K&N Typhoon Dual Cold Air Intake

2009 Infiniti G37S with K&N Typhoon Dual Cold Air Intake

After installing the K&N intakes I wanted to drive around my neighborhood a bit to give a perspective of the intake noise level difference from stock. Normal…



CHANNELgr says:

Ur older then me and u don’t know shit I got a g35 too ur telling me u
noticed a gain of 22 hp from a fcking air filter think of it it doesn’t mke
sense all those dynos are testing are bullshit dyno test ur car ur self an
dull see it doesn’t mke anymore hp with or without them it prob losses some
go on g35 driver forms and search intake wtch they will tell u

DiMz707 says:

Gentlemen, there is no gain in HP, there is only a noticeable gain in
throttle response.
This car which i own, is extremely sensitive to different intakes, you need
to be careful. Stock is definately safest way to go, but who are we kidding
we (for the most part) like a deeper sounding growl from this V6.

CHANNELgr says:

The intake doesn’t add any hp u idiot it loses the factory stock air box is
already the best air box for it

jnagime says:

Stillen Gen 3 is the best intake for the G37,but what i wanna know if is
safe for a raining day.

D Johnson says:

If you can, may you do an outside rev? and possibly a normal take off?

Fary Feliu says:

I am getting an intake system this week, would you recommend this kit over
a Stillen Gen 3?

Jon Jensen says:

In a heartbeat. You have to think about how much MORE money you would be
spending and not getting anything more for your money. I got my intake kit
on Amazon for $300 and the Stillen kit produces the same horsepower and
costs $525.

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