Hyundai Accent, replace gasket for values cover.

Hyundai Accent, replace gasket for values cover.

Replace valves cover, inspection on cams, chains, values to be tighten, not be loosen, use compression gauge for values pressure. Excellent pressure. Finally…



Fred Maddux Jr says:

Hello DjFelonious, I know cause I am deaf. Work on 2004 Hyundai Accent.
take gasket cover off. remove the old gasket out and inspect on the cam
and values also chain. look on left as timing belt to be sure rubber has
no cracked or tore teeths. clean any stick old gasket on edge to remove to
be clean. do not let any dirt or pieces on the any cam or rings. just blow
it away. If it go in then wipe it off. replace the other head cover and
use thick screwdriver to take off the 4 rings on top with hammer. not hard.
just lightly to hit the screwdriver on the top with hammer and it will
remove old ring off. out new ring on it in bottom of cover. then put new
gasket around on the edge on cover. put it back and screw it. Not tight
very very hard. just tight good enough or it will destroy the screw. feel
alike you did out spark plugs as same as concept. then plug all cords in it
then plug vaccum on air value as PVC. etc that all… if you need exlain
more. let me know.

DjFelonious says:

Thank you for the vid, dont know any sign but it kind of helped alittle
with the job.

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