How to Change a Headlight Bulb (2007 Hyundai Entourage)

How to Change a Headlight Bulb (2007 Hyundai Entourage)

Our six year old son walks you step-by-step through changing a low beam headlight in our 2007 Hyundai Entourage minivan.



Syrinx69 says:

Cute kid. I just bought a used `07 Entourage myself. How do you like yours
so far?

Herbie Doo says:

Awesome job little man! My 2nd grader and I just watched your video and
are ready to head out to our 2007 Hyundai Entourage and change our turn
signal. Thank you for showing us how easy it is. I paid $40 to a mechanic
earlier this summer to change the headlamp because I was unsure how to go
about doing it myself. You have inspired my son to try his hand at helping
with our turn signal. Thanks again and kudos to your parents for letting
you help. 

Torrey Shannon says:

Great job, kiddo! That’s so awesome that you are teaching adults like me
how to do this. 🙂 And a high-five to your Mom and Dad for raising such a
smart guy!

Robby R says:

Now my kids have no excuses not to fix their cars! Very helpful!

Charles Dungan says:

Great job and helpful!

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