Stranded Deep SURVIVAL GUIDE ➤ How To Craft an Axe, Hammer, Spear & Build A Base, Campfire, & Cook

Stranded Deep SURVIVAL GUIDE ➤ How To Craft an Axe, Hammer, Spear & Build A Base, Campfire, & Cook

Stranded Deep Gameplay featuring How To Craft an Axe, Hammer, Spear & Build A Base, Campfire, & Cook [Part 3]. Remember to hit that like button and subscribe for more content from Stranded…



eNtaK says:

Stranded Deep SURVIVAL GUIDE ➤ How To Craft an Axe, Hammer, Spear & Build A
Base, Campfire, & Cook

Harald Kanin says:

Video Quality: 8.5/10 – Nice framerate, graphical settings, 1080p, etc.
Voice Quality: 8/10 – Not an annoying voice, speaks English well and isn’t
Editing: 7/10 – Cuts away most boring parts, but I found myself getting
stings of boredom at some places in the videos.

Feedback: You have everything that you need to become a very popular
YouTuber (Don’t get me wrong, 140,000 is a lot!), some longer videos with
more of the boring parts cut out would probably be the only direct thing to

You”ve earned a Sub, I am looking forward for more videos!

huy211 says:

“Duct tape? I don’t want that.”
What worse words can a man utter!

Henrik Martinez says:

any advice on how to stop the bleeding? a tiger shark just took a huge bite
on me and everytime i enter the water i stain the entire ocean with blood

ot0m0t0 says:

Muahaha thats not a sardine its a Dicus fish. A freshwater Discus fish 🙂
Damn devs wtf.

Dovah Kiin says:

You can actually hold the mouse button down to chop down trees, but it’s a
bit finnicky at the moment.

``EternalShotz`` says:

can someone help me how do i watch the clock in the game i mean what
button is it?

Fox14624HD says:

Ware can I get the game and how much is it ?

Vynatic says:

I just found your channel today and I am definitely subscribing! Can’t wait
for episode 4 of this! Might end up buying this game as well since it looks
fun to play. Question though, would you actually suggest this game for
someone to play?

TurboNexus says:

actually it didnt sank becuse of the items…if you use the raft alot for
traveling it will “wore out” and it will sink

Dovah Kiin says:

You can only make a raft if you do the recipe in shallow water, which is
just a platform but in water.. Useful for a spearfishing hotspot where
sharks spawn, just put your life raft nearby. 

ItisGamingVideos says:

Nice entak i like your guides for games !

Jaden Oldfield says:

The problem with this game is you have already done everything there is to
do. I doubt you will make a part 4.. Unless you make a fish montage or
something :/

Dovah Kiin says:

You know you can climb palm trees to check things from a higher altitude,

richard hudson says:

i know what im doing now.Thanks entak!

Telefonmast says:

In RL, You want to build it s Far away from the Water, to protect it from
high and Low Tides.

Noah Gortz says:

Nice video man love these survival games 

krejzzzol666 says:

Would like to play this game but it looks like it have to high requirements
for my laptop:) I like all survival games:)

Athenes Mercy says:

i subbed 100%, one of the best tutorials i have ever seen!! :DD

LK says:

Entak, this game is :Dsoo cooooll pls more. awsome video man you learn
really fast ;)

ComplexRatio says:

Nice video eNtaK! :D

TheGodofLight says:

I found Wilson on the first island

Gaming wolf says:

entak if you can you should try and kill a shark

Leah Whalestreet says:

I cant craft it wont work i need help

Johan Järneström says:

build a big base with campfire and all that cool stuff? maybie?

ALTAIR2472 says:

Thanks, dude, for this video! It’s really helpful! :D

The Halo Addict says:


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