Humvee Climbing Vertical Wall 1

Humvee Climbing Vertical Wall 1

Watch the Hummer Ohio Extreme Squad climb a 6 ft vertical wall . . . brought to you by



Steven Thompson says:

fake i can see the winch cable lifting the front end noobs

Abraham Williams says:

I want one.

Jay Man says:

Now…When is he going to climb the wall? Just saw the front end go up.

Phillip Mulligan says:

I think he’s ready to conquer and humiliate Mt Everest. 

Ralph Roberts says:

*cool vehicle but I don’t often have the need to climb walls*

Joel Beck says:

Next Christmas, this is all i want.

Eric Perkins says:

Not so much climbing as mounting and maybe even dry-humping that wall.
Wall seemed to enjoy it.

RangerOfAlcyone says:

Anti-Whites support massive politically orchestrated 3rd World Immigration
White nations.
Anti-Whites promote intermarriage and condemn everybody who oppose
Anti-Whites use threats, intimidation, harassment, loss of employment,
physical violence & prison time against White People who oppose this
artificially created multiracial society.
Anti-Whites talk about the inevitable brown future.
(Their intention of White GENOCIDE shines through).
#hitler #holocaust #holomodor #genocide #racism #hate #liberalstupidity
#neoconmadness #discrimination #integration #immigration #timeisnow
#meltingpot #mudsharks #globalism #interracial #miscegenation #assimilation
#apartheid #colonialism 

Donald Iverson II says:

Ok, seriously, I don’t care if they guzzle gas or if they are wicked
uncomfortable, I seriously want one of these 🙂
Humvee Climbing Vertical Wall 1

Arthur Skinner says:

*cool vehicle but I don’t often have the need to climb walls*

Jacob Holsworth says:

That was… Ummm, sexual. Or maybe that was just me?

Kodey Boudreau says:

Ah sell humvee and humvee accessories.

magikindian says:


Joseph Ovchinnikov says:

Is that Hank Hill speaking?

Jose Muniz says:

Pretty cool!

Aleximusprime says:

“Thank god for undercarriage protection” err… you’re leaking fluid, dude.

Apollo Enfinyti says:


Tomás Calderón says:

que fome

Jay Guerrero says:


derp kerp says:

This isn’t the definition of climbing. Stupid fucks. He put the front wheel
of his car on a fucking 4 foot wall.

Anthony Coates says:

That doesn’t sound like a diesel that GM would make it sounds too good.
It’s either got a late model 12 valve or an early model 24 valve Cummins
don’t it?

Orry Clips says:


mopar man says:

awesome, i’d like to see a range rover attempt that

Kai Armstrong says:

For all practical uses, I can never imagine needing to do this… Ever.

zoe humphreys says:

I actually hope He man is correct ! Its idiots like him that make white
people hate themselves and their culture ! I truely wish i was not white
because of people like you ! The western civilisation grow fat and greedy
from the natural wealth exploited from 3rd world countries and ignorant
people like you speak of White genocide ! Until you racists realise its not
about colour you will never understand.

corey horner says:

i seen a frog do that a week ago 

casemods says:

Thank whoever designed the undercarriage protection. I don’t think any god
or deity made it, do you?

verne voshell says:

that isnt exactly, Climbing the wall. He put his front end on it.. I wanted
to see him CLIMB the wall.. Change your misleading title son.

Nick Ciesielski says:

You tools saying he cracked the oil pan know nothing about real Hummers.
They all have the engine and tranny tucked up high so you can’t hurt it.
Pair that with the plating underneath to protect from IED’s that driveline
is bulletproof

Kamran Jamil says:

Hummvee Climbing wall

xtralights says:

Extreme Squad climb a 6 ft vertical wall
Humvee Climbing Vertical Wall 1
Hummer Lighting Application Chart

ali xgamer says:

وش الخميم ذا

Unid.e.n.tified Unabled says:

now lets fuck it . :D

louis puglis says:

My two wheel drive lawn mower can do that

Jiggly John says:

Monster Truck

dkhill27 says:

6.5 at work

NANO-Nils says:

So müßte man einparken..hehe

kiks0581 says:

nice hummer

Tony Valdez says:

Tuned or series?

iREPda609 says:

+jeepster1231 I think that might have been dirt or something because there
is another video posted the same day from this guy up closer and there’s no
oil on the ground.

Chris Felkin says:

“Hold my beer.: 

Markus Niklitschek says:

Humvee klettert Wand hoch.

ВИТЯЙ says:

а этому видео уже лет 100

Catherine Symonds says:


ВИТЯЙ says:

вы к нам в РОССИЮ приезжайте мы вам такие фокусы на УАЗах прокажем))))))

trubin06 says:

0:20 how to cut your oil line gj!

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