hummer wind generators Install

hummer wind generators Install

Anhui Hummer Dynamo Co., Ltd. is a burgeoning professional manufacturer of wind turbine generators in china.



TheEvolveGreen says:

Ran less then 6 months all failed they do not honor warranty

Dave Bainard says:

Be prepared to dismantle for it will surely break down or fail to produce power. Forget replacement of this junk as they don’t honor warranties.

doc2help says:

I purchased two of these turbines and they failed in two weeks. Inspite of being clearly inferior the company refused to replace them. I recommend avoiding Hummer/Anhui

Charles Keegan says:

Buyers beware, these turbines are of poor quality, generator likely to fail and is noisy, electronics faulty. We have tested this equipment and the supplier does not support their guarantee.

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