(How to) change your front brakes on a H2 Hummer

(How to) change your front brakes on a H2 Hummer

Hummer Chronicles ep. 16 (Changing my front brake pads)

In this video I present to you new content, I’m giving you all full upgrade view of my personal vehicle. These videos will be like my own version of your average television shows, they’ll be uploaded in episodes showing and teaching you ways to enhance the look of your vehicle.

My new content is called “My Hummer Chronicles” and this is episode 16 (Changing my front brake pads). I figured since I’m always showing me painting and customizing vehicles why not invite you inside my ideas for my vehicle.

This will pretty much show another side to my channel and give you ideas that’ll make your vehicle stand out from that old stock look. Out with the old, in with the new.

I wanna give a special thanks to those who’ve subscribed and shown support, I also would like to thank YouTube for allowing me to share my dream.

The brakes used in this video were purchased from O’Reilly Auto Parts

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Deerector says:

I always grease the pistons and the backside of the breakpads where the calipers push on them

Wesley George says:

Great video, Thanks. I've been using a very similar jack in that same position on the nose.

Alex K says:

Even if i don't have an Hummer, the process is the same.
Thanks for the Tips and the video!

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