Fixing My Squat Stance – I Have Duck Feet

Fixing My Squat Stance – I Have Duck Feet

Candito’s YouTube Channel – Candito’s Free Full Programs –…



Sirhil says:

Good video. The info on the duck feet really helped, cause Ive got that too

Mrrushske says:

Duck foot is shit I have this problem also this vid did help 

notkroqer2 says:

Are those records in the background at 9:40?

Paulo Dourado says:

dont bend your elbows at the top of the deadlift. its a bad habit that
could lead to a tear.

markohoppis says:

Breakfast looks disgusting. Rarely meet a modern Western young woman who
can cook.

huntfitnesstv says:

I would recommend some extra lower body mobility work. I think it would
really help you get your squat positioning to feel more comfortable. 

Trevor Cunningham says:

Nick I need some tips to fix my stance!
What would you recommend for a beginning squatter with no flexibility in
his achillies? Example being the lower my butt goes the higher my heel
comes off the ground. I literally cant even work on my stance without
falling forward. Please respond!

Alexred94 says:

ask strength camp lol

Abram Saucedo says:

You know bodybuilding really matters to you when you make a squat rack. “If
it really matters to you, you’ll find a way. If it doesn’t, you’ll find an

S Ami says:

You’re hyperextended during squats. It seems that your psoas looks tight
and making your spine hyperlordotic, dragging you into hyperextensions.
During hyperextension your spinal erectors are taking more of the load and
your core is not as activated as it could be. This is why your lower back
or spinal erectors are easily exhausted when doing squats. I’m not an
expert, but I had this identical issue and fixed it by researching for a
couple months. 

MrGoranPa says:

And you still don’t know what is the issue about posture…

James Carrico says:

Nah man, your natural stance is fine. Personal trainer for 5 years now.
Worked under a lot of very experienced bodybuilders. You do have a wide,
feet out stance, but it’s not too far out. Anyways, as long as you are
comfortable and you’re making gains on your legs, how can anyone say
something is wrong?

chadwr85 says:

My knees don’t buckle in when my toes are pointed out like you do. You just
have a muscular imbalance. Your adductor muscles are stronger and thus tend
to pull in some on the upward phase of the squat. Not a big deal you can
look up easy ways to fix it.

AnjunaForza says:

Did Nick just show us his ass? G4P? Haha jk. Good video! My squats are shit
right now. 

Igor Roztropiński says:

I have identical feet and problem:P

foapwh jkre says:

A lot of people are commenting on your squat but no one’s said anything
about your deadlift: you’re rounding your lower back coming off the ground.
That reinforces that you most likely have poor lower body mobility as
opposed to poor core strength or any glaring muscular imbalances.

I would suggest you stop using the belt since it can become a crutch if
your form is the problem on light weights (weights less than your 1-RM) and
work on stretching all those lower body parts from the hips to the calves.

For the weight you’re lifting now your lower back will be able to grow
stronger to compensate the tension it’s under but when you start lifting
heavier you will hurt yourself!

P dT says:

@ nick wright
Your squat looks pretty good I would say. As for the whole feet position
thing look at a lot of other oly lifters… they have toes pointed out and
then as they come up they allow their feet to turn inwards… I don’t know
if its an actual technique. I just found it works for me, also helps
generate more torque I find.
Your deadlift on the other hand need a lot of work.
Try widening your stance so that it is only slightly narrower than your
squat stance and then get into a bottom position(same as bottom of squat. )
Then raise your hips slowly (also take in to account that you want to
achieve a shoulder past hand line, so drawing a vertical line from the
shoulder and the hand should leave the line of the shoulder past that of
the hand.) till you feel your hamstrings start to engage. that should get
you into a better back position, and allow you to have a lot better form.

I hope the tips help, not try to sound like a douche. I just find figuring
out what works for you is what works best. 

BHWpeyoteman says:

i’m exactly the same way lol

Ethan Crosby says:

I recommend watching Kelly Starrett’s mobility WOD series, Nick. He tackles
these problems head on plus a plethora of other lower and upper body
imbalances that should help you with your problem. 

Jamesmn87 says:


1 Free Star 1 says:

Beside that “ghetto workout”,there is obviously all kinds of “ghetto”
influence,which makes all this pretty pathetic and repulsive-certainly
doesnt makes you “cool” or “tough”…or normal,for that matter. Should I
say-real modern kind of (somehow) disturbed egocentric yankee golden kid?!
Overall its pathetic,like you. The end

Brandon Dreher says:

Could be wrong but it looks like you get that bad back pain because you’re
really leaning over at the bottom of your squat to the point that youre
putting complete tension on your lower back. If that makes sense. 

Snucky R says:

research kelly staretts material. he calls what youre experiencing the
valgus knee fault. He has a whole segment on it in his book, becoming a
supple leopard. Basically, you’ll want to think of screwing your feet into
the ground and pushing your knees out (external rotation at the hip) as you
descend into the hole. I am nowhere near perfect in terms of my mobility
but things have definitely improved since I began incorporating K-Star’s

Arron Adams says:

Nice video very informative!

TheseAreMyQuestions says:

We are about the same height and same awkward long torso build. I also have
that stance, I learned that its just my thing just really work on keeping
the weight on your heels with it.

Austin Webber says:

Solid video man. Keep it up! 

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