Fix Bench Press, Shoulder, and Elbow Pain

Fix Bench Press, Shoulder, and Elbow Pain

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D4Gamers says:

The whole entire gym goes quite when Elliot speaks.


Siggi Cutler says:

2:19 this is actually 1 gallon bottle that elliot is holding.. hes just
that big

Kurtz says:

Shoulder pain is so bad 

You68688 says:

If anyone is suffering from elbow pain or shoulder pain you can check out
this video /watch?v=OEL-oP6tQO8 is from Omar Isuf personally I feel like in
this video Elliot didn’t demonstrate correctly how to fix the bench press

D&P Fitness says:

Those are great tips. Following the same type of tips pretty much
eliminated my shoulder pain while benching. 

timfosho says:

I dont understand, hes talking about this like its some sort of deep
insight. Who doesn’t know this shit by now? Do those dudes even lift?

dunkleybwoy1 says:

Why is it when people ask Elliot for advice it appears like they are
kissing his ass?

Uzumaki Nagato says:

hahahaha When he said calisthenics , everybody shuts up all of a sudden and
listnes ! xDD :D

vycka vyckaa says:

drinking water from a jar… BOSS !

TheMrGidwani says:

Dumbbell chest press is a great alternative to reduce any pain in the
shoulders. Though it takes more use of the stabilizers to press the weight,
it allows you to press in the most natural position for yourself since you
aren’t locked into the barbell and generally your arms will naturally align
to a position that doesn’t cause pain. HOWEVER, make sure you still are
aligned to proper form for the movement. If you feel comfortable but your
form is terrible, you need to purposely fix your alignment then.

Sigma Spade says:

shoulders tucked back, elbows tucked in will save them joints

Poncho ornelas says:

what about lower back pain?

Maarten488 says:

That elbow problem is exactly mine! I really hope this helps, I am going to
try that out for sure. Thanks Elliott!

Commenting From Jail says:

Elliott’s a bitch

Liverpool67890 says:

This is the Elliot i liked 

Shinobi Dethdol says:

i love this dude an entire library of information built from experience 

Wagner Rosa says:

I have the same damn problem with my elbows. Thanks for the tips!

Tyler Chapman says:

I feel when I lift I get a lot my face involved. like I’m working out my

Max Rick says:

more Q&A open gym videos!! good stuff… a lot of it i already knew but i
love these natural interactions, it’s like actually being in the gym

Grigore Gratian - Stefan says:

solid advice, but what happens when your shoulder hurts when bench pressing
with CORRECT FORM and doesn’t hurt when i have my elbows slightly flared
out ?
i don’t know how i hurt them, but my shoulders hurt when i use the correct
powerlifting form, with bigger emphasis on the triceps, but hurt less or
not at all sometimes when i flare out my elbows or adopt a silghtly bigger
than shoulder width grip on my bench press

Matt Knox says:

Question: How do you lose fat and build muscle at the same time while
injured? I am going through my 2nd knee injury (torn meniscus, stretched
ACL from my previous torn ACL 2 years ago). I am a 20 year old college
basketball player that wasn’t in the best of shape when I suffered this
injury. I can’t run, bike, most cardio things as well as any leg workout
like squats, deadlift, anything lower body. I have started walking for an
hour every morning after waking up on an empty stomach like your
recommended in the past. Is there anything else I can do? Certain upper
body/core exercises or certain food groups i should eat more of or
completely cut out of my diet? 

Roman A says:

Saying “powerlifting bench” is pretty silly. The guy’s shoulders are
rotated forward just standing and that’s easy to see. Also, when he brought
up the belts and all that, he should have reiterated that a RAW bench is
not the same as an equipped bench. The “arch” in the back is created space
the space between your glutes and your upper back/pulled back shoulders.
You’ll see the natural arch of your low back but not try and exaggerate
that bc you can mess up your low back doing that. Then there’s bracing
before unracking the bar which will tighten your core and with your legs
firmly on the ground, your base is stable. As for elbows, raw lifters
aren’t using a suit so their elbows will follow where their wrists are and
will vary depending on grip. That’s all relative so when an article says to
tuck your elbows alot more, that’s for equipped lifters. So, a wider grip
on a bench would need wider elbows for a raw lifter but that also would
typically mean the bar path would lead them to lower chest. The problem
people have is typically trying to use a wide grip and then going too high
on their chest and overloading too much. Much of their pain could be fixed
with very simple shoulder mobility work and light stretching. Heck,
teaching a person to pull back and use their lower traps to pull the
shoulder blades down is one of the hardest things to do along with teaching
rear delt work or rhomboids but that’s another topic for another day. 

HungryMonkey says:

I have this same problem!

Live 2 Lift says:

i use to do bench with flared elbows and now i got a tour labrum.

alexguy96 says:

Good tips

EasyGameEh says:

isolate video from the feed. integrate it into your dinner rutine.


haloextreme0 says:

Good reason to use a belt (my reason) is the remind myself to keep
tightness in my core and upper body

jozic says:

i stopped doing flat bench cuz i felt it more on my shoulders

Strength Brothers TK says:

Good stuff

Deart Barstarzz says:

Did he say something about elbow pain or cracking sound when doing push
ups? I’m still learning english, specially the hearing part, so i watched
the video 5 times and didn’t find anything helpful to my problem :/
Most people say that the cracking thing on your elbow means weakness, but
i’m not sure cause i can do 40 push ups non-stop and the “crack” appears on
every single rep, when going down, not up, and the pain appears around the
35 rep.
Any help??? :/

Semiotichazey says:

I think this is all good advice. I have real problems with my right
shoulder that sound like what this blonde guy is having. I think I still
need some physical therapy, but the pain is definitely lessened by
following the form Elliott describes. In particular,it seems to be
important to keep your shoulders back during the entire movement of the
bench press, like when you pinch your shoulder blades for a back squat.

0HAM0revived says:

pauly shore!
thats who he sounds like

jochum3 says:

This is awsome thanks for the tips!

jukazyzz says:

I have weird problem and that is that I always feel biceps when pressing.
I’m so frustrated. On bench press, on cable crossover, almost every pec
exercise. Also I have problem activating delts during shoulder pressing
lol, even I think my form is 100 correct. I have lordosis and Im keeping my
pelvic forward and tight core and stuff but nothin helps.

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