how to replace rear brakes on a honda accord Davidsfarmison[bliptv]now

how to replace rear brakes on a honda accord Davidsfarmison[bliptv]now

how to replace rear brakes on a honda accord Davidsfarmison[bliptv]now.



Mitch Schaftlein says:

Excellent, I completed it. But it took me 3 hours.

nova1964 says:

i like you taking off brakes.But i would like to watch you put them back
on. cause that a lot more harder. then you done.

TheHolyheadshot says:

just bought an accord that had blown brake calipers. this caused the shoes
and hardware to deteriorate, plus the shoes were down to metal anyways

peter ns says:

awesome vid helped a lot

madcaps1 says:

Thank you very, very much for the video tutorial. Good samaritans like you
make the world go round. I replaced mine on a 2000 Honda Accord for $35
which included both new shoes and a hardware kit from my local Autozone.
Very well done and thanks again.

partyboyperk says:

he does his name is davidsfarmlives

becky5453 says:

good video had to review many times when restoring brakes. o/w great. good

Donald Roe says:

Thanks for the video. I replaced my brakes two days ago. Your video shows
me that I did mine correctly. Keep up the good work.

Joshua Albanese says:

great job friend. I show other knowledge for free too, its a good thing

Cj Taylor says:

This was a life saver. The Haynes manual instructed to re-assemble starting
with the bottom spring. After multiple attempts it was a disaster. Your
method worked perfectly. Thanks for sharing!

Muhammad Qadir says:

Awesome man.. You should make more videos!!

Joyce Ott says:

thanks for your time to teach others

Steven Shyun says:

you should show all of the steps rather than describing them and showing us
the finished product

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