How To Fix Hood Latch On 2001 Honda Civic

How To Fix Hood Latch On 2001 Honda Civic

My wife’s civic had a good latch that has been broke off for a year. The metal on the mount is too thin so I had to weld it all back together and it fixed it.



Jesse Jamez says:

mig welding i suppose

MrHero500 says:

how did you get the hood open, mine has rusted and broke due to the shity
Scottish weather, and i cant seem to get the F****r open when i pull the
cable the whole thing just juggles!

Joseph Wilkins says:

Thanks. Your an idiot

nastypop says:

this dude sounds all coked out! lol

Mel Vong says:

I have the same issue with my 02 civic.. how did you weld it?

Joseph Wilkins says:

@Smokeondavidp69 I did after the video.

Smokeondavidp69 says:

Nice. You should have sprayed some paint on the bare metal before bolting
on the hood latch. To keep it from rusting.

jpnagle59 says:

Have the same problem. I had a mate stand up front while I pulled the
release cable. The mate up front had his hand on the release lever up front
for the hood. When I pulled the cable, he picked up on the hood, and when
the hood popped up, he released it as normal. By myself, I use a thin
screwdriver and stick it up into the hood release area and move it around
till I ‘pick’ it open…and Yes, the mounts are junk for the Civic…

Joseph Wilkins says:

@MrHero500 I didn’t have a problem opening it at all. So I don’t know lol

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