How to Fix a Rough Idle/Stalling Car! Biohazard Honda Civic Build

How to Fix a Rough Idle/Stalling Car! Biohazard Honda Civic Build

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In this thrilling episode of our video series, we’re embarking on an extraordinary journey with the 1997 Honda Civic Hatchback, a vehicle that was once deemed a biohazard and purchased from a daring vehicle auction.

Throughout this episode, we’ll walk you through the process of troubleshooting a rough idle on an old Honda step-by-step, sharing valuable tips and tricks to help you elevate your own ride. Whether you’re an experienced gearhead or a passionate automotive enthusiast, there’s something for everyone to learn and enjoy.

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Time stamps:
00:00 Intro
01:13 Check Engine Light Diagnosis
04:05 Engine differences
04:47 New Part Unboxing
05:26 Throttle Body Removal
08:26 Throttle Body Analysis
10:00 How to fix a rough idle
12:34 POV test drive: did we fix it?

Thanks for watching. ✌️




Ryan Hurst says:

It would be really satisfying to see the engine bay cleaned up. Free mod to get it looking minty!

Artem says:

We need more of you with sunglasses!

faith jacobson says:

these older civics love to have idle issues. my car has some on and off idle issues, sometimes when i’m in neutral my rpm will drop to 300-400.

Codename: AgentR says:

Awesome! My idle issues (fluctuating up and down) came from the a/c compressor going out. Didn’t notice until I changed my fans under the hood.

When the a/c was off, the idling issues weren’t there.

Jarek Mai says:

Keep up the Civic videos!


Any feedback on the coilovers? Most likely going to buy those for a budget drift build.
On the previous models people often complained about leaks after short times, hopefully those new ones last a lot longer.

jigles says:

You should try adding power windows to this thing, definitely an upgrade worth having

Sergio Sanchez says:

My 97 cx hatch has a screeching noise from the back I think it could be the drum brakes but I’m not sure

Jay Peterson says:

Enjoyed the video. I too enjoy video of you just riding around in the biohazard Honda civic.

Also, how is James coming along with learning to drive stick?

Ericvarg123 says:

Lmao are you treading on thin ice with that gas or that just a misread by the cluster?

Matt D says:

It's a great build and another great Bendaga video. I hear snaking that hood release cable really sucks. That is why I never replaced it in my 95 Civic. I have a new, OEM cable in my garage and you're welcome to it. Oh, but I am in Boston.

Shwayze XVX says:

Give it the beans! Fellow donut media fan I see!

Corey Genno says:

Same happened to mine after it sat for 10 years

Skullhunter9 says:

I have these exact idle symptoms with my 2000 Toyota Celica GT M/T. I have access to everything needed to clean my IACV on my own. My only concern is the Throttle Body itself. At 8:27, those pipes/holes/whatever they're called on the IACV, did any Coolant come out of those when taking off the hoses?

I know these are two completely different cars, but the issue might be the same.

mrbuttersworth says:

I could watch a whole video of you just driving around it would be the perfect asmr lmao

Fg4Lucki says:

lofe got a car channel?

TwisteeTheDark1 says:

Was curious about that scan tool till I saw the price…yah no there's definitely scan tools out there that does what that thing does for half the price.

Antoni Bednarek says:

Been waitin bendaga!!!❤❤

Too Slick says:

Where is the turbo…

thatstockek says:

i installed t7 coilovers on my coupe after watching the last video! they are perfect for my budget

Frank Campodonico says:

Im loving this build and its OEM plus look. One suggestion for it, you should try to add some tint to it. Nothing crazy, just something to help with the sunlight and keep the car cool when parking it outside. I bet that would make it looks great and it would be a great and its an easy upgrade. Not to mention, if you mess up, you can take it off and try again.

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