Honda Pilot Timing Belt and Water Pump Replacement Part 2 of 2 – Auto Repair Series

Honda Pilot Timing Belt and Water Pump Replacement Part 2 of 2 – Auto Repair Series

WARNING: This video contains annotations that may not be visible on the YouTube Droid app. Replaced the timing belt and water pump on a 2006 Honda Pilot, V6….



Robert DIY says:

Thanks for watching. 

Herbert Cammock says:

Subscribed good teaching

Robert DIY says:

You are welcome. Thanks for watching.

garrambide says:

Gr8 job. Gr8 videos thanks so much for sharing your knowledge.

Robert DIY says:

Thanks again for watching. 

kemnik1 says:

Thank you so much for the quick reply! Very helpful. Subscribed!

Robert DIY says:

It depends on the compression on the cylinders. They usually move a little if you don’t have a locking tool, simply move them back. If you watch my install video you will see if they move or not. If they move it is usually during the installation of the belt. No harm in moving them back as long as you get them aligned and heck them before you start the car you should be fine.

kemnik1 says:

Thanks for the great video! One question. How easily do the cam pulleys move when the belt is off. And if they do, is the process to merely move them back to the marks? Does it hurt anything if they move around provided you put them back? Thanks!

Robert DIY says:

No I can not. I no longer have access to the Honda Pilot. Usually you can remove the trim from the top of the light with a few plastic pins. Then you find 2 to 4 bolts inside the frame area that you remove so the light falls forward. Hope that helps.

walbert lucio says:

Can you do or show how to change headlight assembly for 2005honda pilot….love your job. Thanks for your knowledge.

Robert DIY says:

You are welcome. Thank you for watching. Hope they were not to long.

JesusManPowerKick says:

after watching these 2 videos, i feel confident that i can change the timing belt on my moms pilot =) thank you for these awesome videos

Robert DIY says:

You are welcome. All crank bolts can be a bear to crack loose but once you learn the technique you can do it easily.

Paul Vanderzwet says:

Greta video Robert..extremely thorough!.I bought the tool, but was always leery of that crank bolt- heard nightmares about cracking that loose. Done other timing belts so going to tackle min now armed with your video in the next couple weeks. 2004 pilot just turned 300,000km. Thanks! Paul

Robert DIY says:

I added all the info you need. I did start the car at the end of the spark plug video. I did the plugs after I did the timing belt.

greg martin says:

you should have showed the video of you starting it after you finished great job tho i gotta do a timing belt on a 2004 honda pilot. any secrets i need to know?

binoyrappai says:

Very good video

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