Honda Insight: How to Use the Tire Repair Kit

Honda Insight: How to Use the Tire Repair Kit

If you get a flat tire due to a puncture of the tread, this kit is designed to get you rolling again so you can drive to a tire-repair facility. Watch this video to learn how to use the kit with the Honda Insight.

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Taylor Watson says:

Just give us a donut. C’mon, Honda. Stop being cheap.

JC says:

Honda. Give us a spare tire.


Wow……. I’ll take my
Spare tire now Honda. Idc if you give me one under the back seat just give it to me

pplanetEarth says:

Step 1: you are a loser for opting for a car that doesnt have a spare tyre unless you only intend to drive it on urban roads and never intend to go gravel or a rural/natural attraction such as a lake.
Step 2: you are going to spend a lot of money for on-road assistance and getting a new repair kit every time you get a flat tyre
Step 3: you are going to get stranded if you drive to a remote place such as a ski field and potentially die of frost or thirst in places with poor phone reception such as NZ mountain roads or outback Australia before "road assistance" arrives.
So go ahead and buy this car. It is maddening how touch screen and infotainment accessories have become such a must in cars of these days instead essential life saving accessories such as a spare wheel have been deemed redundant.

OuanouaChannel11TH Gamer says:

Where IS America Honda roadside assistance call number

chriswcalif says:

This kit was USELESS for the flat tire I had with my new Insight.

CaptainMarko says:

You believe this is better? You're going to need to give a spare tire as an option or I won't be able to drive this for work. If you think that the weight of HALF a person is going to affect fuel mileage, then its not a significant change.
I just don't understand how waiting hours for somebody else to repair your tire on the side of a road is more convenient than changing it yourself. The likelihood that a puncture can be repaired with this kit is so low..

Plagick says:

Step 1 : pray this works

MoNo K says:

How long will it last?

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