Honda Element headlight change (PASSENGER’s side)

Honda Element headlight change (PASSENGER’s side)

Follow up/Response to Alex (AJChien) video “How to change a headlight on a Honda Element (Driver’s side). Great video, I am doing the much easier “passenger …



Yellowkid FortyNine says:

Thank you my friend!

Steve Jones says:

Well done, thank you. I was having trouble figuring out that the wire
holder just rotates under the screw without loosening the screw. Thank you,
SR Jones

James Wadkins says:


dlegger says:

Thank you, very helpful!!

NotMyRealName says:

Execellent. Done in 3 minutes, but I would have never figured out the clip
without seeing this. I salute you sir! You rock!

theaquarianmessage says:

Thank you…. Mine just went out and I now feel confident that I can do
this myself. Much appreciated.

Timothy J. Donovan says:

Thank you, Lionel!!!!

Timpala44 says:

Thanks for making this video. It literally took me 1 minute to put in my

Andrew Marriott says:

Excellent video. Thanks. Big help.

ronald burke says:

thanks for info

mjmsongs011 says:

Boy, your video sure came in handy this afternoon! I could not figure out
that lttle clip, and *almost* started taking things apart… And you know
how THAT goes… But I pulled up your video, and saved a ton of time!

TheHunterACE says:

perfect timing for me too… i wonder how much it is going to take to
upgrade to the Xenon? anybody know?

99chrisohio says:

Just the ticket for me this afternoon. Thank you.

ZeldaCoolTM says:

Thank you! 😀

aclight says:

Thanks! You helped save me from a few days of procrastination and
(probably) a lot of cursing. 🙂

JamieSewsPlastic says:

Thank you so much! The internet is a wonderful place indeed.

JKDilla says:

GOOD MAN! My light just went out I saw AJChien’s vid but need to know how
to do the other side. Perfect timing for you to put this up.

Claire Thomas says:

Thank you! I did it all by myself! Even impressed my husband!


I have a Element this is one of the most difficult light bulb change

Ilese Levitt says:

thank you for putting this up. It really is easy. I am so glad I found your

bluedog101c says:

thank you…I just changed my light bulbs and save a little bit a money. I
have one questin thou. is the three prong switch that gives it the “juice’
suppose to have grease?

Sherrie G. says:

I too did it without the help of a man. Although you are a man. So I guess
I did have help. THANKS THOUGH! 😀

danp519 says:

thanks man!! took me less than 5 minutes to change the bulb with the help
of your video!

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