Honda CL100 New generator and fixing the woodstove

Honda CL100 New generator  and fixing the woodstove

Got a grab bag of stuff in this video. So this is probably why i’m broke 🙂



redneckbryon says:

How much do you think it would cost to run power out to the field where you
have your buildings and trailers?

paperweightgirl says:

That is one cool generator.

savagenomore says:

man that’s a cool ass little cast iron stove….

Tufdog's Place says:

Good looking generator, That lil pot belly stove is neat as it can be too !
Take care, & We’ll see ya again ! 

rotorcats says:

I just remembered that you got a new generator… I don’t know what you
think of synthetic oil. But I’ve gotten into the practice of when I get a
new small engine I break it in on regular oil and then change to synth.
Seems to help and I think you can run the oil for way longer.

saab astra says:

so tom what do you do for a living. and do you have any videos of the guy
on the 250r?

Matts Mower Madness says:

do you have a deal with youtube ? how did you get a check ? I want one lol

Logansfarm says:

i want that little stove lol.. did i see burnt wires at the end of the vid
up by the pipe? lol

IHcubcadet says:

That little stove is awesome.

Dave77124 says:

The mans wood stove lol that was funny when u brought out the big guns but
ye my camera does the same makes everything red look purple on the screen
anyway looks good that new setup man well hope all is well with u and take
care tom!

bmark0610 says:

that mini wood stove is the tits! damn i need one!

cammar57 says:

Hey Man! Loveing the mini update, that generators a beast! By the way is
that CL 100 the one you put the 200 engine into a while back? or was it
another one?

Dave Smith says:

never seen one of theose little stoves before in my life ahahha keep it
real tom! keep up the vids

JimsEquipmentShed says:

That little ice fishing stove is pretty cool! I haven’t seen one of those
is a few years.
Love the Honda too, can’t kill those things! clean up the points, and
away it goes. B-)

caddyman110 says:

I had the same 6.5 hp predator on a gokart for a year or so and I beat the
shit out of it and it still ran great, it should serve you well.

rotorcats says:

Oh hell yeah I love wood stoves!! That pot belly is the shit man, looks
like you have good draft on that chimney too! I need to do a vid of my
barrel stove, I’ve got a oil drip setup on it so I can burn my waste oil.
Gets hot enough to make the barrel glow!

TomProctor75 says:

I have the exact same generator. It always starts on the first pull, and
it’ll power everything in my house except the central air. The only real
problems these have are the fuel shut-off valves and the pull starts. Other
than that they’re great generators.

Matt Blacke-TwoFiftyTwo says:

sick man, thats an awesome woodstove

ChoppstersRides says:

cool looking bike

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