fixing steering bushing on my honda 350

fixing steering bushing on my honda 350

the steering bushing on my 1991 Honda 350 is worn down causing some slop in the steering so this is how I fixed it.



FJ80Coop says:

Good idea Brett…That plastic bushings 12 bux from powersportsplus, and
its prolly the radial bearing in the shaft itself worn out,the plastic
bushing,the tie rod ends,or a combination of all 3 causing you so much
steering slop still…

brett sherwood says:

yup im thinking it is a combination of the bushing and the tie rod ends as
the shaft does not seem to have any significant wear

cubbeezx says:

Nice fix Brett! Our old 86 that I gave to my brother was the same way. We
changed that plastic bushing and fixed it up. I think the bushing was only
10 bucks or something like that in case you ever change yours. Our other
one that we still have now needs to have it done also. Same thing as yours,
sloppy bars.

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