DIY: Fork Seals Made Easy!

DIY: Fork Seals Made Easy!

Dr. Dirt’s Step-By-Step Fork Seal Swap. Leaky fork seals are, for lack of a better description, a royal pain in the neck. The most common ailment to plague front suspension, a leaky fork…



Diky Mulyana says:

nice to know for next time replacement.

cc. +Yusuf Hadiwinata 

loRD rAKSO says:

How do i change my compression if there is no compression screw at the top?

Jordan Yarbrough says:

Is this the same process for the 2014 kx450f air fork?

Darrell N says:

Thanks !

Özgür Akman says:

Very fine guide, thank you.
Also you’re working so clean, well done.

Mitch Truesdill says:

thanks !

yes ok says:

Will this be similar enough on an 06 crf230f?

Oneholed says:

Excellent video, many thanks. Nice tidy workshop as well..

igoraustin says:

Great demo many thanks!

Daniel Sepúlveda says:

Excelente Master, bonito taller, nice work.

Yolande Duncan says:


Matteo A. says:

Very great video, the best on fork

Scott Baird says:

Great video just done my 2010 yz450f made the hole job so much easier
thanks so much.

Adi Barkai says:

You are one of the best mechanics if not THE best, thanks for all your
videos!! you sure helped me with all the detailed information.
keep the good work!

wizard movers says:

well done well explained thanks

hjostaket says:

Can a video like this get better !? I don´t Think so. CONGRATULATIONS !!!!
But what I DON´T UNDERSTAND is that, at this moment 29 people DON´T like
this video. What kind of people are you ? Bet jerks.

Yolande Duncan says:


IBoosted SS says:

Hey man, thanks for the video, great job of explaining the process. I have
two leaking fork seals and this is what i needed to prepare me for whats to

Corrie Theron says:

Best is to loosen the fork cap before you take the forks out the
triple-clamp. If your space is limited underneath the handlebars, take them
off. Much easier. Those caps can be very tight sometimes.

Eric Andersson says:

Thanks for the video! I have a question though, I followed all steps, and
when I’m done and have the fork in one piece again, I clearly hear the oil
running inside the fork when turning it upside down… Did I do something
wrong? I did not open and change the oil in the upper chamber @ 14:30 in.
So, the oil in the outer tube is full of air, why?

Dewayne Myers says:

Hello I have a 2006 hayabusa what all do I need to do mine?

Dean Penhorwood says:

Great video

Esteban Alvarez says:

Great video, I have just one question. Is there a rule of thumb for the
amount of oil you have to put in the forks?. I have a 1997 Honda Nx 350 and
I am not sure the amount of oil to put in. Thank you for your help.

Pedro Santos says:

Professional jobbb…u r the man…

federico moroni says:

hi, i’m tryng to replace seals on my suzuki rm 125 2008… i have showa
i did everything u said, now i have to separate fork tubes. but they wont
come out.
i heated with a heat gun (an electric one) but nothing, they remain
i alredy removed dust seal and the metal ring.
what can i do for separate fork tubes?

stevent444 says:

Thank you much! 

dbgdhklkjhgfdsa says:

How much would it cost to have it done for ya

rowdymacd says:

You need to do one for a rear shock now

spiritsofmetal says:

Excellent video – thank you. I would have struggled big time otherwise! One
question: YZ250 has cupped backup washer behind seal. Which way up should
it go? Lip to the top or bottom?

Arch Works says:

Thank you! I have the service manual but your video was much more helpful!

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