D.I.Y Timing Belt Service 1.7 2003 Honda Civic SOHC Part.3

D.I.Y Timing Belt Service 1.7 2003 Honda Civic SOHC Part.3

timing belt change/alternator/power steering belt on a 2003 honda civic ex couple 1.7 liter..i hope this vid helps u guys out when doing ur timing belt.



hvac caldera says:

did you have to drain the coolant and engine oil?

tooter9871 says:

Sorry I meant *removing not roving

KillAsrt13 says:

im not sure but,the sepcial honda tool for the crank shaft bolt really

obxguy1 says:

thanks for your response! I have 135k on my 04, I am doing the valve cover
gasket and the spark plug well gaskets as well as the rear cam seal plug
while in in doing the timing belt and pump.

obxguy1 says:

Great video! I have an 04 civic I am getting ready to do this same job on.
do you recommend changing the crank and cam seals? or only if they are
leaking? Thanks!

tooter9871 says:

Nice video. so when roving the alternator, is it only held in by the top
bolt and the wing nut style bolt at the bottom? And what keeps the wing nut
bolt from backing out?

battlehrfred says:

grt explan and detail,100-100got a problem with my 2002,1.7 civc 200 ths
kilo, al cylinders are showin low,2-75 psi and 2 @ 50,it would not
start.visual inspection seems like the belt has slipped 2 or 1 notch for
sure. it will not line up on its timing marks on the cover.cannot get the
crankshaft bolt out,it has to be turned c-clockwise to remove it and the
engine naturally turns c-clockwise,i canot remov it by usin the “starter”
trick.do i hav to buy a 50mm special tool,propane do not work.ty

battlehrfred says:

thanking you for your response.

KillAsrt13 says:

well my honda had only about a 100k on it at the change..they should last
to 150 or 200 i would say,but if u want to change them y not..they might be
a pain tho..i do recommend u change ur valve cover gasket and ur spark
plugs gasket while ur at it..they arent to bad to do

Mato4Sport says:

Hi I have a question, I don’t have a air compessor to put the crank pulley
bolt back. Is there another way to put the bolt back or do i need to buy an
air compressor and a air gun?

KillAsrt13 says:

yea u will need the honda crank puilley tool holder..that way u can use a
wrench to tighten it

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