How To Install Replace Rear Shock Absorbers Chevy S10 Pickup Truck GMC S15 Sonoma

How To Install Replace Rear Shock Absorbers Chevy S10 Pickup Truck GMC S15 Sonoma 1A Auto shows you how to repair, install , fix, change or replace your front shocks with the…



1aauto says:

Yes it will have rear shocks near the axle. 888-844-3393

Mark Mason says:

I bought a 1996 blazer. I don’t see rear shocks on it. Does my vehicle have rear shocks? Thanks in advance.

1aauto says:

If you didn’t need to loosen any of the suspension pieces than you should be fine.

J.C. Deck says:

Thanks for the great video. Do i need to have the alignment of my vehicle checked after replacing the shocks?

IPfreelyY55 says:

Thank you so much!

1aauto says:

For the 4wd versions the front and rear shocks and struts removal will be the same.

Edward Thompson says:

Im guessing u do the front one’s the same way?

A. Brown says:

you guys are my new best friends.

1aauto says:

Hi Roy, Thanks for watching. We carry all kinds of shocks for many different vehicles with FREE SHIPPING on our website 888-844-3393

Roy cyler says:

Thanks Mike and 1A. Im not a car guy , but I will be able to replace my shocks now. Best to you and you buisness.

sammarkey says:

Thanks so much, you have givin me the confidence to attempt my own shock replacement!

Shari Buchanan says:

and if none of these options work harbor freight sells a 20 dollar electric cut off tool u could use to cut the end of the bolt off

1aauto says:

Your best bet is to soak it in penetrating fluid and see if it comes free. if it does not, you may have to attempt to heat up the bold but this is dangerous since the fluid in the shock could boil over and explode if the shock hasn’t already leaked out all of the fluid.

clioboy90 says:

Question lol. See the bottom bolt. On my car its stuck half on half off so the shack bangs about. How can a get it off or back on tight. It’s seized I think. Won’t move atol.  Help lol

da toxicology says:

this guys the ebst love his videos he’s helped me with my s-10 alot

1aauto says:

Thank you for watching our video on Youtube. Have a great day!

MJGetsOff says:

Thank you, this video was very VERY helpful. I will be replacing my shocks thanks to you. -Jason

1aauto says:

We have them for sale on our website Here’s a link to them.

BigBadBowtie Chevy says:

the magnetic tray is awesome!!

1aauto says:

We carry them on our website Here’s a link to them on our site. Just copy and paste this link into your browser.

supercooldude1953 says:

hi…how can I buy your magnetic tray?

Bret Laursen says:

Living where they put salt on the roads in winter makes simple jobs like this, not so simple. I am changing the shocks on my 94 GMC sierra right now and for the rear shocks and all the top bolts snapped in half when trying to take them off. The bottom ones I had to grind off. All the nuts were rusted/siezed to the bolts.

1aauto says:

You may want to look under the car and check the bottom of the doors to make sure that it’s not starting to rust. Open the hood and inspect for any obvious damage along the frame. Pull the dipstick to check the condition of the oil and that It’s up to level.Take the car for a ride to check for any squeaks or vibrations in the steering or brake peddle, that may indicate the vehicle needs some suspension repairs. You could always check CarFax too, to find the history.

MustangGTR2 says:

if you wanted to buy a car what checks /tests /inspections would you perform on the car?

1aauto says:

You may want to check with the manufacturer of the lowering kit to see what they recommend using for shocks and struts.

TheLuckeydc7 says:

CONTINUED: Drive smooth til i would hit a big bump then it felt like i would bottom out. I know lowering it put stress on the stock shocks because they were being pushed on constantly. Do you suggest getting struts 2 inches shorted for the front and 3 inches shorter for the rear for it to ride smoothly over those big bumps? Or was putting it on blocks not a good idea?


TheLuckeydc7 says:

Hey great videos! I have a question too, I have a 93′ S10 with 169,000 miles on it. This truck was my grandfathers, my brothers, now it’s mine and well taken care of. One thing is the struts and the springs have never been changed and it’s been past it’s time to do so but I have noticed that it’s getting a lot more rough of a ride. I lowered it a couple years ago 2 inches in the front with spindles, and 3 inches in the back with blocks. That caused it to ride very smooth until i would hit a big

1aauto says:

With today’s alignments they are all done on a machine using lasers. We currently do not have a video of this procedure.

Vacmasterthegreat says:

I checked more closely, none of the shocks leak, and it seems the only real bounciness is in the front left shock. I guess I didn’t think that there’d be some bounce to the car when I pushed on the other 3 corners. So for $30 I’m going to replace the definitely bad one. do you have any vids on how to do front end alignments?

1aauto says:

Not sure of the mileage or the year of the truck, but if the vehicle has a lot of bounciness to it, it could be time to replace them. You may also want to look to see if the shocks are damp at all or show signs of leaking.

Vacmasterthegreat says:

if I push on either end of my truck(L or R, F or B), it has a lot of springiness to it, but always returns back to its proper height, does that necessarily mean I need both front and rear shocks? when I am carrying heavy stuff, the truck doesn’t sag at all, so does that indicate my rear shocks are good or is that maintenance of height the job of the leaf springs, and i could have bad rear shocks?

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