How to fix 2005 Chevy Colorado Gmc Canyon seatbelt

How to fix 2005 Chevy Colorado Gmc Canyon seatbelt

freeing a stuck seatbelt quick fix.



kolbyinthehood says:

Thank this help a little but if I didn’t see this video I would have never
fix it. Me and my dad have been trying to fix the seatbelt for about 2
weeks now. Thanks.

Eddie Garza says:

i apreciate the coment sir, glad to have been of some assistance, just a
little reverse engineering.

Chatu Ikinz says:

Great video.. Thanks! Mine got mess’d up I’ll try this see if I can fix it

Hudson Barry says:

For some vehicles there is a tiny switch inside the assembly that
immediately “locks” the sprocket when the belt is pulled quickly and which
is released by gravity when the retracting assembly is vertically oriented
and given about a centimeter of slack. I don’t actually know why my
seatbelt was stuck initially, but after I removed the retracting assembly
and shook/knocked it about a bit, it starting working normally (when
vertically oriented). I hope this might help someone.

christianparsons100 says:

I wrecked my 2007 colorado…I was wearing my seat belt…but all the slack
is all re way out…and it won’t retract…will this work for that to…the
airbag went off, idk if tat matters

72ERIK says:

umm well pretty much al seat belts have the same mechanisms as far as ive
seen. you would have to pull it out and see. if the recoil spring is not
broken you are in good shape. one side is for the recoil and the other side
has the locks. in this case the recoil side was rivited solid and the
locking side just a cap. its just a little reverse engineering.

72ERIK says:

ok cool well glad i could help, just be carefull on which side you take off
one is the recoil spring and the other is bearings. it is real easy though.
you should not have a problem. thanks for watching. but like i said in the
vid its just a quick fix that way you can click it and not get a ticket.
lol have fun guys.

72ERIK says:

this process takes about 10 minutes to do

hugoorro31 says:

Thank you so much i really appreciate your help, is a great well explained
and helpfull, i did fix mine because of this video, Thanks a lot.

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