Father & Son Project – Sound System Install GMC Yukon 2 12’s – Speaker box Video 1

Father & Son Project – Sound System Install GMC Yukon  2 12’s – Speaker box Video 1

See all the pics/progress here: …



meade916 says:

i sure hope that shitbag “trigger finger” saw my post before i banned him
and it went away. SMH

meade916 says:

follow my IG channel here: http://www.instagram.com/meade916 i usually
post pics there too!

CarPhonix CarAudio says:

That form finder tool is the best tool I’ve used in quite some time, saves
a a lot of time messing around. Steve I’ve messaged you about your SD Sun
setting fiberglass resin? Thoughts on a Canadian distributer? Keep up the
good work! CP

spicynoodles11 says:

this is gona look so sleek when its done i can already tell 

Mick Hinchy says:

Fuck yeah Meade love it

HarrisonPlaysCoD says:

Passing on the skills – you’re a great dad, and this is great to watch!

kogul ragavan says:

I have been waiting to see a new video since the turbo install on the

Parris Bates says:

What happen to the civic? I remember a few v logs ago you said he was
getting that car and system. 

liled936 says:

Simple but really clean he’s doing a good job 

NickRon06 says:

Nice work Steve now I know how u make frames lol and what’s that green
thing u use to do that?

Stone Primeaux says:

I see big things coming for mini Meade’s Yukon because we bass heads know
its never loud enough maybe 4 smd v2 18s walled??? Just sayin haha

Ron Schuman says:

I notice you got dual 2 ohm, are you doing a .5 ohm or a 2 ohm setup?

David Pelletier says:

No screws only glue and nails s that enough to hold the air pressure?

john kubista says:

Hey steve you are the man. What is the green thing you used to copy the
curve of the interior trim panel?

MrTpengineer says:

Looking good so far. Is he going to include speakers in all the doors or
just the front and possible the kick panels? Just curious because I like
mine with just front speakers for a soundstage effect.

Wesley Meckstroth says:

i asked my dad if he could spit the cost of a piece of mdf (about 33 bucks)
on my birtday and he laughed at my face ;-; and he just getting a full
build? kids these days…

Jonas Hansson says:

Watching your videos makes me realize how much i miss having subwoofers in
my car, unfortunatly i cannot afford to get some, was happy enough that i
could get a new head unit

LetThatBassDr0p says:

May I ask what that thing was called you used to get the curves?

MiKe B says:

And where do I get that forming tool….yeah that looks like that would
save a ton of time

bigwhite206 says:

What is that green stuff u were bending around the curves of the truck

Soundman says:

I wish my dad filmed my first install! ;)

jpsaudio w says:

nice clean and i dont remember your son being that damn big…lol feels
like i literally watched him grow up cant wait for build vid 2

Host Oner says:

Looks clean so far cant wait to see it finished also cant wait till my boy
gets older and I hope he will be into cars like I am props

Fernando JLAUDIO says:

Damn what a lucky guy

ImplantedMemories says:

Awesome Video ! Doesn’t look so difficult to do

Chris Johnston says:

Those Rockford Fosgate woofers are really nice looking. How do they perform
vs. SMD woofers? (Obviously the SMD woofers are better but still)

Peter Jorioux says:

Damn you have a kid that old? You look good for your age. 🙂 I gotta get me
one of those flexible rulers.

Juan Rocha says:

damn when I put some subs on my dad’s car he didn’t even help 

Dylan Morgan says:

Super clean build…looks like he’s got pretty good building skills too.
The empty space on either side could make for a nice secret compartment.

DaffiestHail54 says:

That’s is one lucky ass kid to have you as a dad. U seem like the coolest
person ever.

Andrew Baker says:

Little Meade acts like he’s done this before lol. Looks good.

Dago Martinez says:

Can you do a small video on how to wire subs like in this video or copy and
paste the link if you have already made one. Thank you

Donovan Leach says:

Nice work! I love working with my dad, he’s taught me everything along the
way, from packing wheel bearings on his F-250, to putting a new floor pan
in my car. Glad you guys are doing the same!

AutomotivEivind says:

SUVs and larger cars generaly look so good to build a normal sized box for!
No need for complex shapes and stuff.
Looking forward to see the end result, with the grill and everything!

Is it hard fitting the components up front? I have no idea what’s in a
Tahoe/Yukon from the factory. :p Where did you mount the amps?
I’ve been thinking of getting a nail gun. What size nails do you use?

NWbasshead says:

Can’t think of a better way to spend time with your son!

Ryan Mendoza says:

Nice steve cant wait to see how it turns out

turboman says:

Good work steve im sure your son is happy with the install 

Jaime De la Torre says:

Cool video! I still got about 3 years to do this with my boy. ✌️

John Beavers says:

Very nice build Steve! Makes me wish I had the stuff to make a box for my
new car (2014 Mazda 3) but living in an apartment I just don’t have the
space to work.

Can’t wait to see the rest of this. 

jesse gott says:

Hey steve im working on a system for my 95 mitsubishi montero and wondering
what youd suggest for a system I had 6 audiobahn 12s my brother gave to me
but someone stole them so looking to make a better louder system truck is
triple layered in dynomat 

richarded22 says:

i thought ur son was gona get the civic and this just made me feel old i
have been waching u sence he was little wow and he is out of high school

Pasta Prime says:

Nothing better than building something with your son! Especially some audio.

Thanks for the inspiration on the trim panels. I was thinking of something
similar but hadn’t really come up with a complete plan until now.

Adam Laney says:

8:03 Steve here just wanna give a shout-out to FedEx. Now Im not gettin’
any money from them just showing some love for their cardboard. yeah! 

808chileboys says:

I need to upgrade I got 2 200w 10″ speakers and it’s just not loud enough,
anyways I enjoy watching all your videos.

Courtney Gorham says:

Hey Steve what was that tool green flexible you guys used to make that

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