1997 Pontiac 3.1 P0341 Cam sensor failure Diagnosis and repair.



JRLHiggins1 says:

Thanks! this looks just like the 3400 V6 in the 1999 Grand Am I’m
currently working on. I was nervous about pulling up on the sensor but
thanks to your video I can see the O-ring is providing the seal and knowing
it “pops” up let me know I’m not breaking anything inside. Great help!

BuckeyeMCS says:

Is this the same motor as the 2001 Chevy Malibu? (I hope)

Eremon1 says:

Thanks this helped a lot! Cheers! Wish I had half the amount of room on
that side of the engine as you had in the video! lol

Michael Gastol says:

Thank you. This is also the same motor in my ’95 Buick Skylark. Now the
$130 I’m saving by doing the repair myself seems worth it. Thank you God
for the bringing me to this video!

MrStarscream88 says:

Try doing this on a 98 Grand Am. It won’t be that easy. There’s no room in
the Grand Am to work!

ferojuge says:

so if the cam sensor is bad will the car not run at all??

dany mckoy says:

i have a pontiac montana 2000 have 3 codes P0341/P0480/P0134 YOU KNOW WHATS

Robert Jones says:

Thank You for including all of the bolt sizes. Very helpful. The cam sensor
on my 95 grand am is shorted. This blew the ecm fuse. I disconnected the
cam sensor wiring plug after discovering the short and the engine now runs.
I did buy a new cam sensor, but have not replaced it yet. My check engine
light does not come on. Fuel economy seems normal. Seems like I could just
leave my cam sensor disconnected or should I replace it?

Joe Mamma says:

My 2001 Grand Am with the 3400 motor has the motor mounts right in front of
the power steering pump, so you have to support the engine prior to
loosening those in order to remove the pump. It’s a PAIN.

chinchin223 says:

great very good !

ferojuge says:

so if the cam sensor is ba will the car not run at all??

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