GM shift cable (Fix) money saver

GM shift cable (Fix) money saver

Quick way to fix broken shifter cable , I tried to put it in park and it felt like the transmission broke and shift lever what doing nothing , easy to access from Uber the vehicle



infernofairy8 says:

Where exactly is it?

Jim Wooddell says:

That is exactly what I did. Welded the bolt in and used a nylon sleeve for the bushing. Works perfect. Next oil change will inspect it to see if nut is staying. Might double nut it then. Nylock nuts are not what they use to be.

Romerooo says:

It’s gonna be eating all the metal off your oil pan

Roland Cardinal says:

So can I buy the correct bushing and nut at parts store I've had it parked because of this issue gonna look under it on my day off thanks

thatoneguy454c says:

Why not just get a new bushing? They are like 6 bucks and literally just snap into place.

Henry Kelsey says:

Yeah it's nice and more than perfect way to fix that it has to be welded

Brian Mullen says:

What did he do with the silver piece

Cayla Clanton says:

Wished you'd of showed that process of replacing the pin with a screw

blunt force says:

Thanks for the tip

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