Ford Freestar Rough Idle and other Electrical Issues DIY

Ford Freestar Rough Idle and other Electrical Issues DIY does your Ford freestar or windstar suffer from weird electr…



Bullshitkorner says:

some fixes aren’t so easy

CHIBA280CRV says:

Nice work, keep us updated! Thanks for the video.

Bullshitkorner says:

unfortunately he sold the van, they had the torque convertor recall and
when they had that done, Ford told them there trans was going

ManicMechanic007 says:

Gotta love those easy fixes. Well, at least you make them look easy.

Salvador Vazquez Jr says:

Nice and easy great video always love learning something new and since when
is it to early to drink beer its always 5 o’clock some were

Bullshitkorner says:

learning is always good !!

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