Tutorial How to Install Non Pop-up lights C5 Corvette

Tutorial How to Install Non Pop-up lights C5 Corvette

How to install Non-Pop-up Headlights in C5 Corvette – Tutorial shows removal of stock headlights and installation of non-popup kit.



Insidious DrNine says:

this looks like a pain in the ass to change bulbs.

Terry Baptist says:

Wow it seems like a really involved
Process to install fixed headlights on C5 Corvette. Ill bet you lost 20
to 30 pounds off the front of this
Corvette. I prefer to use the c5
fixed headlights from spectorworks
These just look to goofy for my


I saw several careless methods after only watching half of this install…
1st he should have had the entire nose blanketed similar to the way he did
the drivers fender. Also,did he use a flat head screwdriver on a Phillips
head ? Wow… Could have slipped and scratched the nose cover. He also
should have had his fingers cupping the screwdriver tip and screw the same

then I heard grinding going on close by and hopefully its not close enough
to sling hot piece of metal on the other cars. also when popping holes like
that lining: other holes up, you pop the first hole make sure everything’s
lined up for your clip and secure with this crew then do the other side…
so everything stays lined up that’s why he had to go back when it didn’t
line up and make the whole larger. one last thing the 2nd guy showing him
the wiring order was free slinging that harness around. Getting it really
close to the paint on the car.

I may sound picky but I grew up in a body shop & a specialized car shop.
personally worked on some of the most beautiful cars in the world. not
anyone is perfect not even me. but I got so tired of seeing countless
errors in the way they were working I stop watching.

greg12m3 says:

Isnt this kit like 1200$??

OffRoadRN says:

Which kit is this? I love my C5, but the popup lights? Not so much…

jasonlouis2217 says:

Breathless Performance

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