Thrustmaster Ferrari 458 Spider Wheel Unboxing, Set-up and Review

Thrustmaster Ferrari 458 Spider Wheel Unboxing, Set-up and Review

So this is a great wheel to use for those who don’t want to splash out a lot of money on a more expensive one. For the money you pay, the wheel offers you a …



Tarek Siddiq says:

is ther a wheel like this for pc and ps3 exept for the exprience gt and the
red legend?

LANI GAT says:

If you have any console on bare carpet, put a big book under it. 

Casualgamer L says:

Great video!

Liquid Soap says:

“Reminds me off a 458 Spyder wheel”. Because you see those on a daily
basis, don’t you?

Carlier99 says:

Not sure wether to get this or the TX, i want the force feedback but i
don’t know if i can be arsed to save up for the TX 


Does the steering wheel move on the TV when you turn it or does the
steering wheel on forza not turn?

FraserMacLellanTV says:

Does this wheel work good on Euro truck simulator 2?

Mark Pechuls says:

Does this work with an xbox 360?

FutureToxic says:

Can you order the 3 pedal setup up and hook it up to the wheel instead of
the 2 pedals?

RoaR Taz' says:

If you were wondering it isnt compatible with PC

Joshua Tran says:

I got it for $100 dollars at GameStop :3

RollsRoiceAttire says:

Is this good for drifting? I know it doesn’t have force feedback, but is it
able to return to the center after you turn it hard to one side and
releasing it? 

Bass Lover says:

is it compatible with the xbox 360

Psycho Mantis says:

Can you assign the clutch to a button or something? Like make the X button
your clutch or anything, I only play Forza Horizon 2 and Forza 5 with
Manual with clutch, I can get over not having a clutch pedal as long as I
can map the clutch to a button… Help!!!

Tom Hortle says:

hey I was wondering whether there are any buttons for clutch on the wheel?
I understand there are no clutch pedals, but typically when I play forza I
run manual with clutch. or could clutch be possibly set up to be X or
something? any thoughts on this please let me know, thanks! and good review

Theemilkman17 says:

I just got one, tried setting it up and I plug in the USB to the Xbox One,
turn the Xbox on and the Wheel doesn’t turn on. I’ve tried plenty of things
to troubleshoot it but nothing is working. Anyone else have this problem
and maybe know how to fix it?

H3llF1re1000 says:

is it also compatiable with the pc ?

ImBreezy4G says:

Is there a place to plug in a headset?

Peter Tran says:

Hey bro I don’t have the kenict will the steering wheel still works anyway?

Barrett 50. cal says:

your setup is not the best your using a little table that moves while your
steering and your pedals are not mounted so they are moving when you are
accelerating and breaking. But thanks for the video very helpful 

scott brubacker says:

Is compatible with the PC?


Thanks ive been trying to find a decent review on this wheel because I’m
thinking about getting on keep up the good work

will edwards says:

We have the same socks. 

baran agil says:

You’re a moron 

The Sideways Nismo says:

I dd a more professional video for homework

Mekai Castillo says:

does it work on pc

Pieter Lit says:

Is it compatible with the th8A shifter?

angad Brar says:

Can you deattach/take off the wheel off the table again easily?

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