How To: Fix a Chipped Windshield – Chemical Guys Glass Mechanix Delta Kit Car Care

How To: Fix a Chipped Windshield – Chemical Guys Glass Mechanix Delta Kit Car Care

Glass Mechanix Daytona Windshield Repair System…



MtnXfreeride says:

without that paper the mark sticks out like a sore thumb :/ like any
repair… not perfect. Still not bad anyway.

syncmaster710n14 says:

Turn on the captions there hilarious

supremewhip says:

Camera guy sucks at focusing. It’s a DSLR, use it as one.

Kellen Richard says:

captions…best idea ever lol….pitbulls and porn

Rickard Tegesjö says:

Nice use of the protective glasses…….. 

prototypeglory says:

Car insurance companies will cover windshield repair usually at no cost or
with a small deductible.

Tat2Dragons says:

Nice kit, great job on that repair Greg.

jeremy j says:

Great video

Flavio Gomes says:

Looks like a reply sophisticated job , good work. 

Brian Willis says:

Bad idea watching this video with headphones on lol

Ian Richards says:

Yea and the insurance comapny will turn to a detailer or a window repair
company so good job on thinking that out.

Alex Harrington says:

Is there any difference if the windscreen is heated electrically? Nice


keep u good work you r da man!!!

nle46touring says:

Now i can watch it 🙂 ..yesterday the video was private :(

Bobo mEGAPHONE says:

lol i like that

Lee Howling says:

Does a good job but instead of guffing about like that just take a hammer
to the screen if you got a unwanted chip and pay 50 quid for a new screen.
I dare not to look at the price for this 

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