How an engine works – comprehensive tutorial animation featuring Toyota engine technologies

How an engine works – comprehensive tutorial animation featuring Toyota engine technologies

Nobody this video was designed for needed to know or cared about discontinued Supra (or other long discontinued inline 6) engines so don’t bother posting a comment about them. This was 2007…



Yellow Submarine says:

How the hell human can invent this master piece thing?

It’s so magic!

Ch1Frequency says:

I care about the Supra, shut the hell up.

samdomding says:

Variable cam timing, and all that electronic control systems, its all right
for technology to trim engine emissions and power and torque to critical
levels but when something goes wrong you are basically fooked, you are at
the mercy of expensive dealership charges to fix a simple fault, that’s why
I much rather stick to my old straight 6 cylinder distributor engine
because of something goes wrong, I can fix it myself, and save my money for
a nice lavish meal rather than feed big car giants and their dealers. Oh
did you say what about the environment? oh well I drive less than 2000miles
a year, so I don’t give a hoot about environment as these high tech cars
probably generate more emissions because their owners drive 10K to 20K
miles a year, and so pollute more. Never will buy a high tech car in my
life. Much rather keep my money in my bank and earn interest. Older cars
never lose value, you can sell an old car for practically what you bought
for. By the way this Toyota variable timing is no good as it only advances
or retards the cam timing, and does nothing to open or close valves for
longer or shorter duration, so it is after all not a complete solution is

Sushi Mashpotato says:

In 20 years time we will be looking at videos like this and think about
combustion engine the same way we feel about Nokia 3210 phones. Check out
TESLA – S car – the future is already here!

KiwiPowerNZ says:

Just reading the description. How is this US market only technology? I have
a VVTi engine in my Toyota Corolla, and I’m in New Zealand. Isn’t this
Japanese technology on a Global market? If it’s US only market how does the
whole world have it?

Alfredo Pratico says:

This is perfect for anyone who has Mr. Perkins for science.

Adam Ebrahem says:

1.6 2.4 and 6.3 these number was a mystery for me all what i know the
bigger the number the stronger the engine thanx for this vid 

Brendan Carter says:

Some willy wonka stuff there! Can’t imagine the mind of the man which
invented the combustion engine!

sri harish says:

its really useful.with awesome design and graphics.

Azure Reloaded says:

2007? We had amazing games that came out with really good graphics…

Why does this look like it was made in the 90s? GOOD JOB TOYOTA!

Yugi Ato says:

Very good explanation 

maximumnoise78 says:

Very interesting video, looks complex compared to a pushrod v8, imagine if
one of those timing chains stretches or breaks when the engine is at full
noise… I bet it happens

Viren Sanchit says:

Excellent video. Thx for posting

x2eXu50x says:

Aaaaand, stopped watching at 4:20 lol. Thats all we needed.

Griste says:

Funny how they refer to the “outdated inline 6s” in a poor taste, when the
2JZ was the best motor Toyota ever made. Guess this guy has never seen the
6 second Supras running an outdated inline 6

AJ Castro says:

Wow if teachers explained this goood i would’ve graduated already.. Why
can’t my damn professors explain this good. 

Homere Lesperance says:

Awesome explanatory & demonstration video of learning the fundamentals of a
gas powered engine. Thank you for posting this magnificent video for the
average person or anyone who wants to know, learn or understand how gas
powered engine works! :)

Joseph Kamara says:

thanks for sharing.

legacyhidef says:

outdated inline 6? whaa. say that to the r32,33 and 34 that smashes you at
the lights.

Hantarrrrr says:

Thank you for posting! I am just starting to learn more about cars after
recently buying one and this is beautifully simple and easy to follow.
Suddenly a lot of stuff I’ve heard about cars in the past makes so much
more sense, like *why* a busted timing belt would be such a big deal, etc.
My car happens to be a toyota too, so yay toyota i guess

DreamAboutSpace says:

And whats moving the camshaft?

TheGamingAleks Apple says:

Cool! This was very interesting.

TheGoother99 says:

that air chamber at the end that opens at higher rpm how do they control
that it will open at higher rpm? 

Nathan Rumpf says:

Great video!

dardi jones says:

I’m beginning my Auto apprenticeship next year and found this video was a
great help, thanks! :)

ThatFord Guy says:

STFU the supra is awesome 

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