Gas Monkey

Gas Monkey

Please Subscribe 🙂 Gas Monkey Video speaks for itself. An awesome Ferrari F40.



1xtra299 says:

The car was already totaled, he bought it and fixed it. If that makes you mad then buy your own F40 and keep it in a garage. Let others do what they want with their own hard earned money.

stoneeh says:

so, you completely ignored talking chassis, suspension, brakes, tires, or, in other words, all the important stuff. but be happy you made it black and loud, fat stupid hicks will love it!

drummerdude514 says:

“This makes me wonder why Ferrari couldn’t get it right all those years ago.”

I don’t think they could have said anything more ignorant than this. The F40 is arguably the best car Ferrari, or just about anyone else, has ever produced or “gotten right.” I’m personally not opposed to modifying the F40, especially given the condition in which it was received (not adulterating a pristine example), but they’re fundamentally missing the point of what makes the car so great and significant.

760LiJuraj says:

Fucking stupid American idiots ruining an icon like that…

Felix B says:

what Ep. is this? I know they started to fix it on season 2.

jean-michel HERBERT says:

this guys did a fantastic job,everyone in Europe is tuning Ferraris,from Mansory,Gemballa with the Enzo,even the Japanese do it,as long as there is someone to buy them,and remember,this car was a total wreck,only Ferrari could have buy it back to fix it,but i doubt,they’d have pay 400.000$.this F40 is unique now.

Temel Erdinch says:


JeanAlesi90 says:

Stupid red necks..that car changed everything only Ferrari could have produced something so great at the time..

XxxDiiZxXx says:

Because once sold the ferrari restored?

shmekas says:

Vendieron el coche a su socio en el negocio. Fue el único en beneficiarse.
I speak English and I tried to translate.

XxxDiiZxXx says:

¿Por cuanto lo vendieron?, ¿cuando sacaron de beneficio?



shmekas says:

Gracias por comentar y espero que suscribirse a mi canal.

shmekas says:

Les costó aprox.  $400,000 US a makeover con partes de Ferrari originales.

shmekas says:

Hablo a Inglés, pero yo puedo traducir libremente Español

shmekas says:

Amo el trabajo completado. Hicieron entrar a un especialista F40 para certificar el coche.

ambrosio lopez says:

que chapuzas son estos tios, modificar un f40 es un crimen

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