Ferrari 612 Scaglietti Replacement Spied, Specter Werkes Cor

Ferrari 612 Scaglietti Replacement Spied, Specter Werkes Cor

Specter Werkes is bringing the Corvette GTR to SEMA, IMSA shows off a new Lamborghini LP560-4, dubbed GTV, Ferrari spies are stalking the Maranello test trac…




trish is a kid.

TDUguy says:

she’s delightfu;.

he keeps trying it on bless him

lilbro209 says:

the chick at 1:31 is like WTF is he doing?

Prentiss Thomas says:

I find the current 612 Scaglietti abit too heavy and it feels brittle. I would like to get the replacement car to replace my very good but ageing and less practical 575M. A PROPER manual transmission is preferable on the 612 replacement.

OriginalAtomicSheep says:

stop being fags and just present the show… stop with all the fake try hard presenter bs tactics… fucken makes it hard to watch

stormthorgerson says:

the 612 replacement will have the dual clutch 7sp and have all wheel drive, priced closer to the current 599, also a 599 spyder is due out soon

Darrin Dudding says:

Sound closer to spaghetti.

Darrin Dudding says:

Derek, It’s pronnounced – “Skalee-et-tee” – “Skall” as in skull, “et” as in Vette and “lee” as in lee.

Masuyamasb says:

huhuich fände es richtig schön wen mich jemand vor dem allein sein erlöst , grade langweile pur

kingmimo6 says:

nice lambo on the tabel!

politowic says:

Nice video. I really enjoyed watching it. I am running a marketing campaign to start a large auto detailing chain corporation. Let me know what you think by checking out my channel. Thanks


Playster3 says:

Wow that Trish is smokin` hot!Plus she´s got an awesome smile!

dipsetscooter says:

trish with the side boob!

Earthlinked says:

Get used to it – eventually they will ALL have commercials!!! The begging for $billion$ profits – means more that your opinion - and if YOU were a YouTube stockholder – you’d agree!!!!!!!!

Have a look at the ABC news site – 30 seconds of news – 30 second commercial – 30 seconds of news – 30 second commercial – 30 seconds of news – 30 second commercial!!!

You’re often not sure which is which and after a while – the news ain’t that important anymore!!!!

dmartinez95 says:

Between the 612 replacement and Trish this was like the heaven edition of FLD. Is it legal to propose over Youtube?? haha

epicka says:

stop stacking your perfectly stacked paper…

AirGoya says:

Yea Derek D! Spittin mad game on trish

skylar44 says:

top gear has them :(

ddroadkill says:

I will definately unsubscribe if you keep up these stupid ads at the start that you can’t even advance through. This is the first channel I am subscribed to that has resulted to this shit. I hope this is not a new trend cause this sucks!

shotokanbiker says:

big night out D?

Paul Donnelly says:

also u shud put together a monyage of ur best bits including the 1 below and the car salesman and ur other caracatures!!!….*wrong word but u get it!

Paul Donnelly says:

Captain hook it up….u knolw what im sayin….Derek u are a Genius!

Pyroscopy says:

I saw bra slipp!!! LOL I know Im a child

hvissotz says:

the desk editions of fld are like casual friday. so nice in all the right places.

barsy07 says:

Trish should for sure be in the shot at all times.

jennbootz349 says:

who likes girls in tight jeans? My boy says its hot as hell

DeadlyDre says:

LOL this episode = very entertaining. Sure made me smile :]

rockindude65 says:

that mayor/son thing is bullshit. i agree with you and it shouldnt matter who you are.


CodeBlue910 says:

That comment about speeding is true. I’m a state trooper and if I REALLY enforced speeding violatons and pulled over EVERYONE for speeding, traffic would be backed up. I personally pull over people that are either doing 20 mph or more over the limit, tailgating, recklessly passing other drivers, anything that might cause an accident. But if the speed limit is lets say 65mph and the entire flow of traffic is doing 75-80mph, as long as everyone is doing it safely, I won’t write any tickets.

nzroadrider says:

Correct! If I was gonna spent that kind of money it would’nt be on a Toyota!

nzroadrider says:

Right on!  Another vote for Trish as co-host

mariamakenzie287 says:

hey want 2 get naked and play with me? 19 female looking for the right gringo

Hafdany says:

I like Trish. She seems like she would be fun as a co-host.

kevinbrueck says:

Trish is a dish!

Maziar Zarea says:

derek is a halloweeeny

bfiane says:

fuck yeah desk edition.

Daniel Johnston says:

Not at all Trish is way cuter !!! That’s an insult to Trish !!!

Daniel Johnston says:

Derek your the man and Trish is just beautiful !! She should def be on every FLD cause the best host with a hot chic co-host makes for a bomb diggety show !!

Osvaldo Hernandez says:

there might be writing on there but can you read?

slink1189 says:

Yay Trish! Derek, you rock, but no scarf. Give it back.

Hayden Novak says:


grgmys says:

Can we get a PiP of Trish dancing around while Derek is talking? She’d go great with your new graphics.

Alexander Seredich says:

“capt’n hook it up, kno wut I’m sayin” hahahahahahaha

DerrickForLife says:

5 stars for trish

thisisthepagoda says:

Trish is hot and all
But she couldn’t be better than Derek, no one can surpass his awesome charisma

lizlena789 says:

anyone else hate that travelocity santa man? He is annoying as shit. Check out my pictures though

laggin3 says:

Sorry Derek, you are the weakest link! Trish needs more camera time!

r32adt3db says:

Trish is babe-a-licious. Keep her on!!!

obamaforyourmoma says:

haha ferrari finally took on the “ricer license plate” look. if i was driving that, i would get pulled over instantly. “do u no why i pulled u over sir? the officer says. “umm is it cause im in a ferrari bitch?!? “please step out of the car sir” the officer says. then i floor the car, causing a cop chase but then i fire up the rice out time machine and go back to the future were i get multiple chances with this really hot girl.”man this is getting really hot” the riced out AMS system says. 🙂

mudbug1991 says:

id like to put my haloweinie in trishs candy jar!

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