Ferrari 308 project 4

Ferrari 308 project 4

I am starting to take the covers off to access the cam gears and belts. There will be more videos as I lock the cams in place and replace all of the warn par…



fedgery771 says:

And thanks for saying how much stuff costs!

fedgery771 says:

Great vid! Thanks for posting!

Richter Lot says:

I do like these guys who know smthg about how to maintain their cars and
not only put their ass in a Ferrari (or whatsoever) to show off, as
everybody can do. Thank you so much for posting !

Briandrum says:

If you feel like selling it when you’re done, give me a shout! 🙂

soucorp says:

good video but shoot the guy inthe back grinding away, gees !

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