Restoring the Interior on a 2nd Gen Dodge Ram Truck

Restoring the Interior on a 2nd Gen Dodge Ram Truck

Restoring the interior on my 2001 Dodge Ram 1500 for under $250. #Dodge #Ram #2ndgen #Truck



@warrenb8228 says:

Bro, I don’t think you’re supposed to glue in the dash. I hope I’m wrong, but there’s stuff under there that will break. Now you can’t get it off.

@skullcrushert9766 says:

It’s a cool fix for a personal car. But the glued dash is kinda scary. Heater core components or the blower motor gets hard to replace

@bennowak5108 says:

that's not a dash, its a dash skin.

@FedSmoker64 says:

It looks like crap.

The waves in the headliner are going to cause it to fall off again very quickly.

The steering wheel is loose and wrinkled it looks rushed/poorly done.

And gluing the dash is so asinine it never would have crossed my mind someone would do something so short sighted and lazy.

Your time and money would have been better spent on a dash/wheel cover, ripping out the headliner and most importantly replacing the drivers seat with a used one that isn't blown out.
This looks like something you'd see a tweaker driving around looking for scrap.

@nahnahniqa4314 says:

lol that gorilla mortar is terrible try locktight or liquid nail similar price better quality.

@GavinDorsey-q5t says:

Why is nobody saying it looks like crap, to make it look good (factory) you have to fro a lot more than 200$

@ferrotee2629 says:

Where did you get your dash from?

@spencerwicks6308 says:

You just gorilla glued a dash COVER into the place where an actual dash should go…. the actual dash top replacement is $350+ by itself. So yeah you just wrecked that dash, good luck finding a good core/frame to replace that one with. Those are between $600 and $1200 depending on who/where you find one

@selafinastowers7149 says:

Did you just glued down the dash

@ethanmcleod8819 says:

Nice to see someone take care of their stuff. There will be a time when there are just a few of these trucks that survive. Doesn’t help that we have cunts like whistling diesel who destroy these trucks for his personal amusement.

@liamrochford3649 says:

Headliner is a good job but in fairness the steering wheel cover isn't. All the wrinkles on the right side of the wheel looks awful right where you say "there you go, all done"

@arronjones6985 says:

Steering wheel looks shit but the rest is okay.

@GhostReaper2043 says:

Headliner looked good but damn that steering wheel looked like crap and when you said you used gorilla glue to hold the dash in I'm like this guy is one of those gypsy people like in the Matilda movie.

@lexstahl6439 says:

Good job bro, that looks sick

@briankissel7661 says:

That’s so hencho.

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