Replace oil pan gasket on 01 Dodge Caravan

Replace oil pan gasket on 01 Dodge Caravan

How to replace an oil pan gasket on a 2001 Dodge Grand Caravan.



OptimusOne says:

how much would you charge to replace the oil pan gasket?

PhatEyeCandy says:

Thank you for your Video! Im off to change my gasket!

mlewis1324 says:

Very helpful video, did this to my van today no problems at all. Thanks!

clos1rca says:

Arciniega? Where you from ……

Joey Pauga says:

@fueledbymusic3 Thanks for the response. But do you take it all the way
off? It wasn’t clear on your video and I’m not sure. But I think I saw your
video show that you didn’t take that side paneling off all the way. Is that
an housing for transmission or oil? I’m thinking it’s more to do with the
tranny and it’s just a protective covering. Meaning, no fluids will leak
out when I open it right? And What is it called? Thanks again.

ssl668 says:

I have a 2007 Dodge caravan. A mechanic told me there is a “Magnetic Metal
Debris” Filter located under the oil pan when changing gasket. Does any one
know how to clean this filter ,or is it un- accessible when oil pan is off?

lookitsleonardlove says:

That gasket doesn’t need a sealer

michaelheiland123654 says:

Nonsense why ?

Gilbert Arciniega says:


Gilbert Arciniega says:

@kninemusic The only thing I can think of is leakage from the rad hose or
other part just above the transmission, and makes its way through that area

Gilbert Arciniega says:

Oh I forgot. That rubber seal your talking about, it crumpled apart. So I
did not put one back. Not a big deal. It supposed to trap excessive dirt
and water. Just put that lid on and you should be OK

Joey Pauga says:

Hey fueledbymusic3, I have the same leak as kninmusic, what did you do for
that? Also, in removing that side panel on the transmission, I noticed you
didn’t have it all the way off, what did you do to that rubber seal that
seems to be in the way of those two bolts?

hp11208 says:

dont put too much silicone these gaskets really dont need it just a bit to
hold it in place cause it will leak again

tre0bass says:

How long did it take you to do all the work?

Gilbert Arciniega says:

@joeypauga If your talking about an oil leak in that same spot.
Transmission area. The oil leak may made its way through there. But it can
also be worn crankshaft seals.

aj2361 says:

ever heard on a torque wrench

Tony Wosnjuk says:

Make sure to remove the dip stick before installing again.

michaelheiland123654 says:

you should never put silicone because it will break in clogged your oil
pump screen tube and kill your engine

Philip Rumrill says:

Great video, I have this job coming up. Good advice,thanks

Gilbert Arciniega says:

Where I’m from? I’m from Earth! LOL J/K Actually, I’m in Rialto CA

Gilbert Arciniega says:

@aj2361 Nope I never heard of one hehehe. Well I been working on cars for
20 years. It not needed to have every imaginable “right” tool. Just use the
estimate on your hands. All I know, doing it this way (since I dont have
every tool) was just fine! I dont have any oil leaks since I did my job

fatboyj182 says:

when cousins mix….

SumBigGun says:

great video, but seriously the only place you put the gasket sealer is near
both ends of the block where you see sections are joined together, the
gasket is a DRY SEAL gasket, your pretty much relying 100% on the silicon
now to prevent a leak and not the gasket..

Junkyardpartseeker says:

Could really use some knowledge from you. I need to replace our gasket, On
the part that is covering the tranny, you do not specify if it need to come
completely off, or partly off. I saw another post of someone saying there
was a rubber gasket under it? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Jackizle D says:

Very good video. Thankyou Very Much. lol “I’m talking to the camera…what?
nothing dear”

3hon . says:

Thanks for sharing, I replaced oil pan gasket for my T&C van 1998 few
months ago but I did not put RTV seal now it’s leaking, I have to do it
over again.

Shockern003 says:

good stuff man

Marvin Hampton says:

Pause at :31 seconds, to the right of the screen from that little gap, Im
leaking coolant from there, whats that?

venomousstang says:

Great Video 🙂

Jean Louis says:

Thank you man. I like it…

Brutaliation says:

Good vid thanks

tiggernupe1 says:

Thanks man, good video. I just got the confidence to do the job myself.

Joey Pauga says:

I really enjoy your videos, thanks for sharing and making these.

metzomotzo says:

thanks dude, looked under truck today and saw oil all over it, so looks
like when i repair my vacuum lines ill be doing this too

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