How to Install Atomic LED Cab Lights From Scratch

How to Install Atomic LED Cab Lights From Scratch

Get that electrical probe in the video from Amazon HERE→…



Big Guy Review says:

nice work!

deepsquat600 says:

Brian I believe that STUFF is called Navel Jelly

reso1349 says:

Plasti-Kote used to make it, it converted rust into a non-reactive black
surface. I think it was called rust killer.

DrZale says:

Didn’t have any lights before… BUT BOY it has lights now! WOO I’m on

Haha that got me. Awesome truck man, and thanks for the guide!
p.s. While typing i made it to the extra bit at the end, hahahahaha.

Eric KCCO says:

Awesome job… I’ve been looking at these for my F250. Lovin the strobes

MadeYouLookAsshole says:

Beautiful work! You’re thorough! 

James McIver says:

It’s dielectric grease.

mechadrake says:

the goop looks like some rust inhibitor (i used some that make steel
black), but it is not washable thing after, so I’m at a loss. Probably rust
inhibitor mixed with something waxy.

JerryRigEverything says:

Nice video man, I enjoyed it. Can any person put those lights on their
truck? You spoke elsewhere in the comments about helping other people on
the road. I do the same thing, (Got about 3-4 cars unstuck after they slid
off the road this winter.) And having the extra lights would be nice. As
long as they arent red or blue you should be ok?

StrongIslander123 says:

Those lights are awesome! Thanks for sharing the install.

sixtyfiveford says:

Nicely done.

oklahoma outdoors says:

If a vehicle is over 80 inches wide it must have three identifaction lights
at the highest point applicable and markers at the widest point applicable.
A trailer is a vehicle. So a 2500 does not need them because it is less
than 80 inches but a trailer over 80 inches must have them. A dually is
over 80 inches and must have them. thats why they are grouped three in the
middle one on each side…just fyi

Effay513 says:

I love your endings!! LMAO

s0nnyburnett says:

Is that Rust Mort in a tube? I’d slather the bottom of my car in that.

MrEdsster says:

Lol thanks for sharing. 

switchest26 says:

I always wondered how a christmas tree drives?

fordwindsor351 says:

Its basically the same stuff as Fluid Film, just forget the actual name.

Super Hornet says:

Can you do another one on how you did the wiring please. 

lefthook613 says:

What a great idea! This is what my truck is missing! I gotta do this.
Totally sick effect. And Its easier than i thought to drop a roof liner.
Again thanks muchly for this tip.

knunne1 says:

Professional job! They will see you coming now.

spannerz says:

excellent video!and i proper belly laughed at the ending lmfao!

Donald Heston says:

That ending was hilarious

Orbital Tube says:

Hey brian I think all ur vids r great the only thing about this kinda mod
is ur truck looks like an emergency vehicle, id be kinda worried that the
cops would throw the book at you, handy in a breakdown tho!

Erwin Ramnandanlall says:

nice video great job

pashastookie says:

The animals at the end were hilarious. 

Lord Tris says:

Great video man, taught me a lot (once again).

Gold63Beast says:

Christmas in February lol. Great Video Brain. Truck looks awesome!

dingdongdillybean says:

Hey Brian. Great video as always. Curious where you got the headlights and
hid? If so which company did you go with? Thx


That has to be some of the worst taxidermy i have ever seen. Its

Musher Deeds says:

figure out what that stuff is yet that prevents the rust?? I would use it
all the time..

emaswat900 says:

Not too much, not to little. Want to wire some stuff in my 93 Suburban?

Lance Landusky says:

Nice!! When locating the tape above, could you use a magnet from below and
a ball bearing above? Looks awesome!!

mrlpn2 says:

he said rear hole acting like beavis and butthead lol

hondaveetc82 says:

That was anice clean install thanks for the video 

Tim webb says:

Great video Brian loved it

Danny Pyles says:

Sweet. Looks great man, very detailed.

OtisspunkmeyerAxiomChannel says:

naval jelly

moneymike422vids says:

Haha awesome light show !

William Penny says:

Wubba sub a

madinatore says:

if the steel turns black and is resistant to corrosion afterwards you prbl
browned the metal.
wiki directed to cold blueing and then to “Selenium dioxide” as a chemical

rescuebox7 says:

That end lol. The gel kinda seems like a naval jelly kind of deal

iworkforbudlight says:

The end was freakin hilarious! Made my wife take a double take a double
take at the monitor.
Great job on the editing! This was very detailed and will help many.
Aloha and stay warm 

Valde3333 says:

Its rust converter. It converts rust (and steel) to black and stops it from

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