Edge Juice with Attitude CS 31000 98-00 Dodge 5.9L Install Video

Edge Juice with Attitude CS 31000 98-00 Dodge 5.9L Install Video

Detailed install video shows virtually every aspect of Edge Juice with Attitude programmer install. Install trans temperature sensor on 47RE transmission, ho…



Kade Karns says:

nice video maaan!!!! have a 99 cummins with a rebuilt tranny and I heard
these juice with attitudes could mess up a tranny real quick with the
power, was wanting to know if your tranny is stock and will mine be

David Yoder says:

Is the comp box the same as the juice with attitude cts/cs just without

Jonathan Falcon says:

Might be a dumb question. But what’s the point of the elbow on the waste
gate? Why not keep the old one?

Kelley Johnson says:

start the motor an run it during the drilling procces. it will bolw and
unwanted shaveings back out the hole.

dtowndontbl1nk says:

Great video, and thanks for explaining everything first and showing
everything. Doing it at a good pace, not just saying, plug in here, then
next step. You actually showed easy ways to do it. +10 for you good sir

Logdogsmith says:

Just drop that on the concrete! haha

jon ferguson says:

is this install going to be the same for an 01? the 31001 kit?

damnationdefied777 says:

I appreciate what youre doing but i have to also sit back and look at the
bigger picture. Having just bought a cummins, i think its crazy to have to
go through a process like this just to watch the numbers and figures to
make sure the truck is safely operating. These gauges should be a factory
requirement on the dash.

Gasser4x4 says:

Lots of wires. Great vid

crf450ish says:

Put some wd-40 on that tap when your doin that

mitmaks says:

What is there are some shavings that didn’t get picked up by magnet, will
it damage the turbo?

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