Dodge Ram driver seat cushion replace

Dodge Ram driver seat cushion replace

Replacing the front seat cushion.



Kevin Schwy says:

LEave it to Chrystler to chimp out on one of the most important parts of
the truck.LOL MY rear fenders are rotting out along with every one that i
know that lives in NEw England, Unreal!!

JohnnyN says:

just replaced mine using the suggestions in your video, thanks.
removing the seat cover while still in the car was super easy.
1. wear gloves, i cut myself 3 times on the seat frame underneath
2. my seat frame also had sharp edges, I hammered these down and then…
(see tip 3)
3. used contact spray glue to cover sharp edges with “pet screen” material,
2 layers, then a layer of burlap
4. I reinforced the new cushion in the prone areas with burlap, used 2
layers with contact glue, and a third free moving layer of burlap to avoid
too much friction.

Jim Cash. says:

RAM seats SUCK ASS. I should know I have one. The fkn seats suck

Dylan Wimmer says:

thanks for the info.. replacing mine in a few days when i get the new
cushion. i’m thinking that i will wrap the metal bar in a foam pipe
insulator for added cushioning and that should work

Arturo Pacheco says:

Thanks for the video, looks like its easy to replace it with out taking it
out the full bench, I will give it a try.
thank you.

mistrcoffe says:

Just bought an 08. I thought two ton Tommy owned it. Now I know it is Dodge
not driver weight, and that I can indeed change this myself thanks. Good
vid, you cuss a lot less than I do when working on a car.

tradewinns says:

after watching your video I’m going to change mine myself. you saved me
lots of time and money. THANKS!

woodengamer says:

Nice video! Going to order a replacement cushion for mine this week and
put it in. Did you come up with any ideas for protecting the foam from
the metal edge? 

Glass Guy says:

I have a 98 4×4 and i have the same problem, as well as a noisy rear end, a
leaking plenum gasket, a transmission that was recently rebuilt (should be
good for a couple more trips to the grocery store), and a cracked dash
board. Maybe if you shave down and glue one of those swimming noodles onto
the metal rails?
Once you become a dodge owner, you can add handyman to your resume.

Glass Guy says:

I would have never guessed dennis leary had a ram. And that he works on it
while he is working off a hang over. Thats an awesome impersonation!

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