DIY: How to do a radiator / coolant flush on a 04 dodge neon srt4

DIY: How to do a radiator / coolant flush on a 04 dodge neon srt4

This is how to do a radiator coolant flush on a dodge neon srt4 and or normal neons. You will need to jack up the car, use jack stands and make sure in gear …



4drturbo85 says:

tap water has impurities that can clog your system up


Thank you. helped a lot

Elias Claveria says:

you didn’t flush the radiator and heater block…….all you did was drain the fluid in the radiator online and added the radiator fluid with water. now the new fluid will mix with the old fluid in the heater block.

miamorphos says:

Kinda scary, I was looking for a video on how to drain coolant in my Neon with Idaho plates and … Idaho plates ‘n all. This is almost scary. Thanks for the vid!

edwin758egcl says:

Good video. Didn’t know where to flush my coolent till I saw this.

Ethan B says:

yes if you live in a place that never gets below freezing you can just run water. its not recommended because the coolant actually lubricates the water pump and other things so if youre just running water you will wear everything out faster. just using water is more of like in case of an emergency and you have no coolant and your on teh side of the road kinda thing.

igotboost05 says:

So you are saying I can just use distilled water without coolant if I live in the desert?

Ethan B says:

the water is what does the majority of the cooling. the anti freeze just stops the water from freezing under cold temps. if you dont have the coolant and just run water in the winter if it gets below freezing the water will freeze and expand and crack the block. that is why you need the distilled water and the coolant

igotboost05 says:

So what happens if you just use coolant without distilled water?

undersrtarmor says:

nice video, but this isnt a coolant flush!!!! there is still plenty of coolant in the heater cooler, basically you did a engine and radiator drain.

javierchinitolaos says:

Hey, i just replace the thermostat and followed ur instructions on the radiator flush, u save me a bunch of money… Better than geico hahahaha

javierchinitolaos says:

Nice video man thanks

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