Rear Drum Brake Inspection DIY – 1998 Chevy Silverado

Rear Drum Brake Inspection DIY – 1998 Chevy Silverado

In this video, I just show a simple rear brake inspection. This truck happens to be a 1998 Chevrolet Silverado, but it will apply to most any General Motors …



joeyakabert says:

I hate to be annoying… but brake shoes, not pads and use a hammer on the drum because you can mess up the backing plate

419MrSmith says:

Hit it with a hammer aaaaaahhhhhh!

Elisa Ramirez says:

How did you loose the drum to come off. My dad is having trouble on that..big time. Can you show me step by step? Make a video please

BBQkrewe says:

the fact that it wasn’t easy to get off was REALLY helpful! and the narration rocked too! thanks for an EXCELLENT step-by-step video! now i am ready to go tear that sucker apart and see the massive ridges i probably have lol! thanks MUCH for the vid!

aterack833 says:

my dad has the same bottle of anti-seize also there should be a spot to put a bolt in to pop that drum off , there usualy all the same thread

Turbo231 says:

Not sure…have had the truck for 6 months now, seems ok but we’ll see how the snow goes. No way we’re gonna wear them out on mileage, we don’t drive the truck enough.

Buck Rack says:

i have the same tires how long have they held up for you?

spelunkerd says:

Thanks for the reply. What are the options if you can’t get a drum off?

randomrazr says:

i took the drum off my poor buick. the inside has alot of, rust dust (i think its rust dust since its all brown). should that be cleaned off?

ghtowagon says:

These trucks w/ 10 inch drums don’t have a spot in the backing plate

spelunkerd says:

Nice job, Ben. If you can’t get the drum off, do you loosen the star wheel from the medial side so there is more room?

TractorWorld says:

always love your vids man very hepfull!!

Bass Hole says:

Nice video – one other tip to get them off is to keep rotating it as you pull it off.

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