Cam Bearing Install Building a 350 chevy part 2

Cam Bearing Install Building a 350 chevy part 2

Here I am replacing the cam bearings in my small block 350 I’m building for my 1978 Nova Custom. I didn’t notice until watching the video that the 2, 3, & 4 …



grapersales says:

Emil, good basic how to. A few additional tips – the drive washer was
missing between the shaft & expander. This will break the expander jaws –
been there, done that. The short 6cyl. shaft is not needed for v8s &
shouldn’t be pounded on directly. The primary driver has a head designed
for pounding. A heavy hammer is much better than a light or rubber one, you
want a thud when you hit. A light hit can bounce the driver & roll the edge
of the bearing causing more time spent fitting the cam.

titsmcgee875 says:

Trolling lol

shagmeister09 says:

350 are pussy power sb get real

shagmeister09 says:

i have i viper motor with 350 big block heads

FingerJam12 says:

you forgot to use assembly lube didn’t you?

BigChevyFTW says:

no! you dont want the cam bearing to spin!

Taylor Rose says:

too bad your an idiot

stryker41175 says:

which bearing goes where?

gjmvi says:

I’m studying for the engine repair ase this helped a ton thanks!!

keebab hablabab says:

jesus, lubing the back of bearings before installing them.. 350 chev big
block heads on a v10 engine.. 350 big block heads mentioned at all..
replacing the cam to apparently fix bad cam bearings…. this thing is full
of morons! i bet theyre modern parts replacement techs, or stand behind the
counter at autozone..

Haze5moke says:

You have a v10 with v8 SMALL BLOCK 350 heads?

Emil Davis says:

Lube is applied when the camshaft is installed. The bearings remain
stationary in the block when the engine is running so no lube is required
when installing.

barkersm007 says:

Great video! You made it look really simple… what shop manual do you own
as I need to purchase one?

titsmcgee875 says:

Why don’t you just buy a new cam? Instead of wasting ALL your time
installing new bearings! Spend the money on the new cam You’re one of those
people that breaks a pencil in half and uses both sides aren’t you. Stupid.

BigChevyFTW says:

they are numbered.

FordGuy25 says:

That plastic looking cone piece. Is that used for installing these
bearings? If not, how do you know its going in straight?

Emil Davis says:

Yes the plastic cone is what guides the tool so the bearings are installed
straight preventing damage.

tlcbear2 says:

it looked like the cam bearings had scratches in them so they are worn and
needing replaced.a new cam wont fix a bearing wear.with a new cam you
should have new bearings so the cam don’t fail.after replacing cam bearings
a few times you learn to do it faster i can have them installed in about 8
mins on a good day.

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