2010-2011 Chevrolet Camaro Bowties Removal Installation

2010-2011 Chevrolet Camaro Bowties Removal Installation

Installation Instructions for Part #19027 and 19028 By T-Rex Grilles.



D0ublezer0x says:

For sure. I can’t believe that with all of the retro styling on the car they didn’t bring back the SS or RS badges for the grill.

goofyfoot2001 says:

Oh, I wasn’t going to replace the ugly emblem. I was thinking on the new 2014 impala, which is getting rave reviews, that I wouldn’t want anyone to know I was driving a chevy. Without the bowtie and the name plate people might think it’s a really nice car.

fenderstratguy says:

Those gold bowties are ugly

Sib Kalsbeek says:

You are most likely going to want to use a heat gun or blow dryer to heat up the rear bowtie, it will make it come off easier with the fishing line or dental floss.

Chaz Doo says:

Excellent way to just force the bow tie off lol

Browningauto5mag says:

I have a 2008 chev Silverado and i want to replace the front grille bowtie ..will this procedure work the same way? thanks 🙂

maaly8111 says:

good vid. thanks. 

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