2006 Chevy Tahoe iPad Install, Thug Life Edition

2006 Chevy Tahoe iPad Install, Thug Life Edition

FREE Lynda.com http://lynda.com/Amplified Soundman iPad kits and Shirts http://Soundmanca.com Follow Soundman on Instagram @SoundmanCA Facebook.com/soundmanca Follow RAFA on …



jconk777 says:

dude your shit is too expensive.

Donald Viens says:

Do we get to ask what happened to your eye? 

Soundman says:

Amplified NEW Episode. 2006 Chevy Tahoe iPad install #caraudio #ipad #car
#install #soundman #amplified

kma198199 says:

Wtf happened to your eye? Did Raffa try to fuck it? …..Thug Life…

smack talker says:

Doug looks like a bug that overdosed on a drug and got shit out by a pug
and Rafa looks like a lobsta that was rotting away in a pasta underneath a
jock strap in a fat kids gym locka

Marcos Villanueva says:

god damn u and Rafa are so fuckin funny together

Danilo Castellano says:

Rafa i give 50 dollars for it. That should cover the materials. JOOKING

Frank Contreras says:

I think your iPad Dash Kits cool as f**k, but how do you get your Audio to
the door speakers and if you have a Sub???????

dragonsage2008 says:

would the ipad2,3,4 side slider work for the 1st gen ipad by chance???

PSE Mentalist says:

Omg that’s so hilariously funny Doug you and Rafa had me rolling on the
floor laughing so hard my gut was hurting. ..lol 

Jacob Frey says:

Funniest moment ever in Soundman at the 2nd Thug Life, haha! Raffa isn’t
funny though. 

Hless421 says:

“You got your shirt on backwards playa”……

Juston Preble says:

You are hilarious… Love watching your videos! Any Ford Ranger Builds
coming up?

Elliott Ray says:

Great VIDEO!!! Love the music you used and good editing

elice05 says:

Hey!! That was improper use of a phillips head drill bit being used on a
Dewalt 16vlt drill…. Wtf is wrong w/you. I’m a carpenter and I have

Michael Madsen says:

Come on “Doggy Dog”.. Reconsider to put the Artist and number in the
description. :)

mattoy123 says:

Hey dug,just a thought…..if you could scan the original dash piece and
use the cad program to place your ipad kit in the right place,then just 3d
print the whole new section,no fibre glassing,no bondo,or very little,now
that’s the way to use a 3d printer ;-)

Mark Stella says:

Good vid like always 😉 keep em coming lol

UltimateChance11 says:

Every hater that comments about Doug taking forever to do projects or doing
too much IPad installs are watching these videos from the wrong
perspective. Doug and Rafa’s skills and builds are badass. Lets face it,
everyone here watching Soundman love car audio just as much as Doug them
do. However I am here to say that as much as I love car audio as well, I
keep watching these videos week after week faithfully because of Doug and
Rafa. They are one of the funniest, realist individuals out here. Doug
could literally have his own talk show and be hilarious (with Rafa too).
Keep doing you +Soundman 

maldonadok5 says:

The Crack happened because you didn’t properly clean the Tahoe piece,
rookie mistake. I’m not mad at you the customers paying you no matter what.

Akshay Patel says:

Oh, man! Funniest episode by far! Superb editing, too! Makes the happiness

Asol Tx says:

Have you guys ever done an Ipad install into a Grand Marquis/Crown Vic?

Paul Parsons says:

Ha haaaaaa looks like you need to make an eye-pad kit for a 1978 Male (or
is that 1975 ? You have an easy job fooling around with your Phillips
screwdriver bits I can’t tell your age by the wood grain) …. Great vid

Michael Craven says:

I admit, as an Android user, I am a bit jealous of these slick looking Ipad
installs. I completely understand why there aren’t kits for the Android,
unlike Ipads, there are many manufacturers of Android tablets and each one
has their own formfactor. Watching these videos over the past year, I have
been tempted to give up my Android for an Ipad, but I just really do not
like the interface. Keep up the good work.

u9Nails says:

Thug Life, Rafa’s Mom jokes, this craziness never gets old! And, hey, child
labor laws man? I saw that painter that you have in the shop. He couldn’t
have been more than 18″ tall. I hope you realize your mistakes and hook him
up with an iPad Touch dash kit for his big wheel. =)

Corbin Fawver says:

Too fucking expensive

Tito Yanez says:

That’s the improper use of a Phillips head bit, with a Dewalt 16900. My
Dad’s a woodworking specialist and he said, “fuck your dad, I did”.!!!

That shit had me laughing so hard i woke my dang parents up HOT FUCKING

Karl Davis says:

That’s the improper use of a Phillips head bit, with a Dewalt 16900. My
Dad’s a woodworking specialist and he said, “fuck your dad, I did”. 

Calikid5150 says:

you should make molds of each Ipad in dash so you could 3d print it like
the ipad kits once its perfect and the presto you have a pop in Ipad indash
just like an indash kit and sell them on your site so you don’t a to repeat
the process every time just a tip

JeepAndBass says:

Thug life for the win

Michael Madsen says:

hahah f u r i the p dude !!!! hahahaha 🙂 <3

Joshua Vest says:

“Support the show”…What show? Couple minutes every two/three weeks. Oh.
That show!

Tank77 says:

I heard Steve Meade in his latest video saying he was going to probably
getting a slider kit from you for an Escalade hes working on. Has he
contacted you already?

Hector jimenez says:

Doug you guys are fucking hilarious but whats even funnier is the comments
starring +maldonadok5 what the fuck? Says you didn’t clean the panel the
fuck he know?

bizzr14life says:

Enough Ipod dashes already !

Cameron Brooke says:

Swag love your videos u make them LIKE A BOSSSS! !!

greenrolaids says:

Nothing personal … but id rather see you color match it in..

Interior crocodile alligator.

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