How To Reset Your Idrive Computer After A Oil Change On Your BMW E65 E66

How To Reset Your Idrive Computer After A Oil Change On Your BMW E65 E66

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Surachet In-udom says:

Good car

DIYsavecash says:

(part 2)(read part 1 first) then the computer will still have the red car,
in the menu. Go to my vehicle reset check video, in that menu, make sure
all services are reset. Let me know what you come across. Thanks for

916Dracula916 says:

Great video i always wanted to know how to do this since i just bought
one…your videos are filled with priceless information thank you i will
continue to follow keep them coming 😀

demo3029 says:

Hey ! Thanks for all the infor you provide us BMW 7 Series owners, but I
have a question i’ve tried resetting my computer via the hidden menu and at
my friends shop with the scanner and nothing. I still have that little red
car and it still says my service is due. any idea ? Thanks Demo

DIYsavecash says:

awesome thanks for watching, I have more projects on the way, brake
bleeding next I believe, I also have all my projects on my new website
check it out diye65e66 (dot) com.

DIYsavecash says:

I’d say go with a dash trim removal kit, all the pieces are plastic, and
wont scrape up your pieces. I got mine at harbor freight for like 6 bucks.
Thanks for watching.

DIYsavecash says:

Hmm, very interesting, have you reset all the services that are due? My
sparks plugs are the only service I still have to do, and I haven’t reset
the computer for that yet and my little car is red as well. If you have
reset everything so your computer thinks everything is fixed and serviced
then this is a good question, maybe the computer is smarter then us and it
knows that you reset the computer but the computer is still picking up the
problem. If you only have 1 service still in the red


im trying to install led lights for the dome fixture. whats the best tool
to remove it?

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